Learn the secrets of your vibrational frequency to live your best life!
If you haven't already done so, check out our weekly membership Vibrational Revelations to better understand the services listed below.
Vibrational Frequency Analysis PDF
This reading includes a PDF of all your vibrational frequencies plus a 34 page report. You will receive it via email within 7 business days of purchase (during the holidays, please allow 2-4 weeks). You will also receive a video with explanations, common questions, and what to do next.
You can buy as many of these as you'd like... we can check your own frequencies, read a friend, family member, employee, boss, or anyone else you'd like to know the frequencies for (you will need to fill out their information, upload their picture, and sign a NDA acknowledging that this reading is for YOUR knowledge only, emotions at birth and current activated emotions are not included for third party).
Each analysis includes:
✓ Frequency now, in utero, and at birth
✓ Emotions in utero
✓ Frequency in health, finances, creativity, relationships, personal growth, philanthropy, intuition (plus clairaudience, clairsentience, clairvoyance, and claircognizance)
✓ Frequency in intelligence quotients (intelligence IQ, emotional EQ, social SQ, and adversity AQ)
✓ Percentages in the joy, in the ego (superior and inferior), in the now, integrity, self-awareness, clarity, alignment with divine purpose, alignment with personal purpose, compassion, empathy, and energy purity
✓ Dimensions
NEW UPGRADE! Each analysis now also includes service to self, service to others, connection to mind, connection to body, connection to soul, integrity to self, integrity to others, relationship to self, relationship to others, and current activated emotions
You will receive a PDF of all your vibrational frequencies report via email within 2-4 weeks of purchase.
Review our Terms. All purchases are final. No refunds, credits, or cancellations.
Upgrade Option: If you would like to discuss your results with one of us, please also book a 15 minute call here: Zoom Call with Elena or Alejandro.
Lifetime Frequency Analysis Bonus
Already had your Vibrational Frequency Analysis and want to dive even deeper?
With the Lifetime Frequency Analysis Bonus, we will uncover when and how your vibrational frequency shifted and dropped during your lifetime (pinpointing the root cause with key events, emotions, and situations that contributed to it). It is simply going back in time. Journey throughout earlier years of your life to discover information that can improve where you are now. We each have experienced and learned certain lessons during our lifetime, and it can be extremely helpful to remember the lessons and experiences you’ve had in previous years to assist you in moving forward toward a brighter future in this lifetime. This vibrational frequency reading is gentle and supported. We simply access and reveal memories that are already part of who you are and show you that you have free will to accept, embrace, and process them.
This session is designed for you if you want to:
✓ Experience big picture insights into your soul’s journey
✓ Find out information from your past experiences that play a role in your present
✓ Heal old wounds from past experiences or relationships
✓ Activate abilities and talents you didn’t know you had
✓ Form an alliance with yourself and become a synchronized whole
✓ Understand your life’s purpose and passion on a new level
✓ Improve the balance and well-being of your mind, body, and soul
This transformational reading is very powerful in helping you understand yourself on a deeper level. The experience is all in love and light. Allow us to guide you to discover powerful revelations from your earlier years that can help you thrive in this lifetime and beyond.
Review our Terms. No refunds, credits, or cancellations.
Frequency Compatibility Analysis
This personalized report reveals the answers to all your deepest relationship questions! You'll discover exactly what aspects of your life to address so you can reignite deeper appreciation for each other and experience more joy in your life!
Each analysis includes:
✓ A PDF download of your unique results
✓ 9 frequency analysis data points for you and your partner:
- Overall vibrational frequency
- Relationships
- Creativity
- Finances
- Personal growth
- Philanthropy
- Emotional quotient
- Adversity quotient
✓ Your total percentage of relationship compatibility
You will receive a PDF of all your vibrational frequencies via email within 2-4 weeks of purchase.
Review our Terms. All purchases are final. No refunds, credits, or cancellations.
Curious to learn the vibrational frequencies of a house, office, or company? Explore here.

After only one session with both of them, things started shifting in my life, and my attitude.
“I had a Timeline Frequency Reading with Alejandro and Elena a few weeks ago and I was floored with the facts about my life, childhood trauma and even things that happened in my parents’ lives when my mother had me in her womb that they revealed to me, they were able to uncover all this during the reading. I was in tears because they revealed to me things that nobody knew, and things that I had put on the back of my mind for fear and shame, yet, those things were getting me stuck in my personal, romantic and financial life. After only one session with both of them, things started shifting in my life, and my attitude. I’m thrilled and blessed to have found Alejandro and Elena. I’m now ready to dive deeper and book a Quantum Analysis with Elena. I can’t wait for all the doors of blessing that will open in my life. If you’re looking to break away from everything that’s holding you back and create a successful, joyful life, book your session with them TODAY!”
~ Gladys

I am so happy I made this journey with them!
“I started to work with Alejandro and Elena on my level of consciousness back in March 2020. They analyzed my levels from birth to the current. They further described how occurrences occured in my life to cause dips in my consciousness. Occurrences that no one in my life knew about except me, but made perfect sense. After the detailed analysis, my soul wanted to raise to where it was supposed to be. Therefore, I worked with Alejandro on how to heal, forgive, and accept these occurrences. After a few months of work and journaling, I felt the shift! Early in August, I shifted back into Love! I feel more balanced, happier, and have extra clarity. I can't say things do not bother me anymore, but they bother me significantly less. I am so happy I made this journey with them!”
~ Loralee

A huge weight lifted from my shoulders.
“The reading was such a delightful surprise on many fronts. A huge weight lifted from my shoulders--finding out I’m greater than I thought of myself. We spied behind my own curtain, and the inner critic was declawed. Thankfully, I’m forced to recalibrate how I’m living, having become aware of a much better reality.”
~ Stephan

I find myself with a much more open heart towards myself and by extension towards everyone else!
“Since my session, I am feeling an unraveling of knots of energy and and a pulsing of Peace throughout my Being. So beautiful and simple. And I am finding the affirmations are like a song I knew but had forgotten but so comforting to hear--in fact--I am singing them. Each time, a different tune, a different feeling but each time just as lovely. The exquisite compassion that Elena and Alejandro modeled for me when they looked at my journey is so inspiring and so infectious that I find myself with a much more open heart towards myself and by extension towards everyone else! This is a gift without measure.”
~ Elaine

This is the most effective transformational process in such a short period of time.
“Dear Elena and Alejandro, I cannot thank you enough. I'm elated and feel much lighter! Today's session is continuing to be so transformative! I am sitting with the frequency readings, and spending time on the affirmations. So much is coming up and is being released - instantaneously! I've practiced in earnest and with sincerity a good few spiritual disciplines over many years, and I can say this is the most effective transformational process in such a short period of time. I literally see the world, and feel, differently! Thank you both for facilitating such clarity and openness, happiness and joy! The outcome for me is to keep heading towards full awakening, my constant companion and motivation... As Alejandro said, now it's not about turning a new page, but starting a completely new book!!! And I need to say, your work is so important in this rapidly changing world. I feel deeply for every man women and child on this planet, and what they are going through. The true motivation for raising our vibrations can only be for the sake of all. We are all one beautiful energy field, and each seeming individual coming to the light makes a huge difference! Thank you again, with all my heart, and all my love.”
~ Dale

Both readings were the most powerful breakthrough and the biggest turning point in my life.
“In 2023 I had two readings with Elena and Alejandro: my Vibrational Frequency Analysis and a few months later my Lifetime Frequency Analysis. Both readings were the most powerful breakthrough and the biggest turning point in my life. Thanks to these readings I experienced myself in full transparency and honesty I have never experienced before. There wasn’t any room left for doubt and bypass but only the truth. Due to childhood trauma I spent 20 years of my life in the frequency of 50 (the apathy). It took me more than 13 years of personal development to shift to the frequency of 310 (willingness) and this is when I met Elena and Alejandro. I followed closely their work for sometime and it took me more then a year to gather some courage and ask for a reading when I discovered my overall frequency of 310.Never in my life have I thought that one day I will embody the 500 frequency (my current frequency) which is Flow (in many areas of my life) and even more, 700 frequency of Illumination in personal growth and creativity. And this transformation happened thanks to Elena’s and Alejandro’s work. The Lifetime Frequency reading was a pivotal moment, a deeply soul shaking experience. After this reading I committed myself like never before to personal growth, to raising my concsiousness (frequency) and to my healing. On a very deep level I understood that this was my one-in-a-lifetime oportunity and a portal to the true path of my Soul, to the liberation and happiness. I went into a deep healing process, introspection, contemplation and faced all the events, trauma and the history of my family. I healed and integrated my inner child and went through a process of acceptance and forgiveness. I faced all my relationships and the one to myself, released the shield of numbness and I started to see the world around me from a place of a acceptance, compassion and understanding. I joined the community of Vibrational Revelations and also I watched recorded readings almost every day for a year, it helped me greatly in my growth and to integrate the information Elena and Alejando were sharing. I also did the 3-month quantum healing with Elena. The energy healing was beautiful and I could feel how much lighter and peaceful I felt afterwords. Since many months I feel a profound sense of flow, I sense my true essence, my soul, my sweetness , the sacredness of life and connection with divine essence. Often I feel life life like being in a slow motion, lI feel the life force energy flowing through me. Life of course has its challenges but I feel a profound sense of surrender and knowing that I am infinitely loved and protected , that I am walking my true path aligned with the divine purpose and that everything is and always will be OK. I did a lot of healing since many years but thanks to Vibrational Revelations within a very short time I lived the most profound transformation which I feel daily! I want to thank you Elena and Alejando, for your revolutionary work, for your compassion and your love which allowed mye to experience myself and life like never before.”
~ Magdalena
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