Take Charge of Your Health Once and For All

Master Your Energy and Unlock Your Inner Ability to Heal Yourself

Experience firsthand how empowered you truly are to conquer the mystery
symptoms that have been plaguing you for months, years, and possibly your
entire life. Master your energy with leading healer and Quantum Medicine
expert, Elena Bensonoff, and access your innate ability to achieve balance
for your body, mind, and soul. All it takes is two hours a week.

Join Wholistic Wisdom for a Transformative 8-Week Journey
that will Awaken Your Inner Healer!

Enroll Now

Take Charge of Your Health Once and For All

Master Your Energy and Unlock Your Inner Ability to Heal Yourself

Experience firsthand how empowered you truly are to conquer the mystery symptoms that have been plaguing you for months, years, and possibly your entire life. Master your energy with leading healer and Quantum Medicine expert, Elena Bensonoff, and access your innate ability to achieve balance for your body, mind, and soul. All it takes is two hours a week.

Join Wholistic Wisdom for a Transformative 8-Week Journey that will Awaken Your Inner Healer!

Take Charge of Your Health Once and For All

Master Your Energy and Unlock Your Inner Ability to Heal Yourself

Experience firsthand how empowered you truly are to conquer the mystery symptoms that have been plaguing you for months, years, and possibly your entire life. Master your energy with leading healer and Quantum Medicine expert, Elena Bensonoff, and access your innate ability to achieve balance for your body, mind, and soul. All it takes is two hours a week.

Join Wholistic Wisdom for a Transformative 8-Week Journey that will Awaken Your Inner Healer!


Course Overview

Everything is connected. When it comes to health issues, there is no such thing as an isolated incident. The whole person—body, mind, and soul—must be addressed with loving patience and ongoing care.
Join award-winning and Quantum Medicine expert, Elena Bensonoff, to discover natural healing techniques that will empower you to awaken your inner healer and improve every area of your life.
We are at the forefront of a new paradigm that’s emerging – one where the power to heal doesn’t just come in a prescription bottle.
In fact, the most powerful medicine of all is within us, available to us at all times.
When you learn the techniques in the course, you will actually be gaining back hours in your day because your energy levels will increase, your mood will improve, and you’ll have peace of mind that creates the space for you to actually participate in and enjoy your life.
Wholistic Wisdom: Awakening Your Inner Healer also gives you the advantage of reducing your trips to the doctor, minimizing healthcare costs, and giving you the gift of optimal health.


This Course Is For You If:

âś“ You are ready to uncover the incredible healing gifts that are already inside your body and experience dramatic improvements in your body, mind, and soul.
âś“ You are interested in detoxing and optimizing your diet, exercise, personal care routine, home life, and relationships.
âś“ You want to cultivate improved health and a blissfully balanced life without the burden of prescriptions and medical bills.
âś“ You want to gain knowledge of natural remedies so you can provide effective at-home care for yourself and your loved ones.
âś“ You are looking for ways to complement your healthcare team’s advice with natural practices so you can enjoy a stress-free recovery from chronic illness.


The Wholistic Wisdom Course Empowers You To:

âś“ Develop diet and lifestyle habits that ensure you feel fresh and energized every day.
âś“ Create a home environment that boosts your motivation and reduces stress levels.
âś“ Harness the power of your thoughts and emotions to live a happy and fulfilled life.
âś“ Develop a heart and soul connection that fills you with peace and joy like you’ve never experienced.



Meet Your Wholistic Wisdom Instructor

Elena Bensonoff is the founder of Wholistic Inc. and a pioneer in the field of functional, regenerative, and Quantum Medicine. She has been sharing her gift of healing for over 20 years. Elena began her journey as a Clinical Pharmacist and experienced a profound awakening to the power of holistic treatments during her battle with chronic debilitating asthma. Now symptom-free and extensively trained in the holistic healing arts, she helps people all over the world find vibrant wholeness with natural techniques. Her revolutionary methods are the medicine of the future. Elena’s superpower is her ability to blend the best of both worlds: cutting-edge medical research and time-tested ancient healing modalities. Her mission is to put an end to chronic illness by providing her students and clients with practical solutions for cultivating long-term health and wellness.


Seven Ways Wholistic Wisdom Will Transform You

Overcome illness with Wholistic Wisdom: Imagine waking up every day feeling refreshed and performing at the top of your game. What would it feel like to have a solid routine of simple natural practices that nurture optimal health and happiness? It’s closer than you think. Elena will light the way with step-by-step instructions and compassionate support.

1. Learn to listen to your body
You’ll master the science of listening to your body’s signals so you can consistently determine when to intervene with energy balancing techniques and achieve a full recovery in seconds. 
2. Unlock your healing potential
You’ll tap into the powerful healing resources within you, and learn to use that gift to resolve any health challenge you face now and in the future.
3. Implement Natural Healing
You’ll learn an abundance of natural healing techniques, as well as when and how to apply them to get maximum results that will serve you for a lifetime.
4. Detoxify your body
You’ll completely detox your body, your thoughts, your home, your relationships, and more.
5. Overcome stress
You’ll learn to use your healing gifts to overcome daily stressors that would normally set you off on a downward spiral.
6. Beat the system
You’ll gain the tools to prevent you from surrendering your power to pills and people in white coats so you don’t become a statistic in our broken healthcare system.
7. Get sustainable results
You’ll triumph over obstacles that have tripped you up on the path to healing in the past. You’ll learn the lifestyle routines and habits designed to gain and maintain your self-healing results for the rest of your life.

The Wholistic Wisdom Course Curriculum

The genius of Wholistic Wisdom: Awakening Your Inner Healer is in its design. The 8-week course is carefully crafted to guide you through three levels that build on each other: Body Rx, Mind Rx, and Soul Rx. Elena created this structure to empower students to achieve vibrant health quickly AND maintain these results long-term. The key concepts and practices you’ll learn will lead you to optimal physical, emotional, and spiritual health!
The best part of all? It only takes 2 hours per week to reap the benefits.

Lasting Results In The Shortest Time

You will receive all the preliminary information that will prepare you for the grand discovery and evolution of your inner healer. You will complete exercises and assessments that will help you track and quantify your progress throughout the course.

You will learn:
âś“ How to get the most out of the lessons with an effective learning strategy.
âś“ How to generate the motivation you need to excel in every lesson.
âś“ How to link your personal values to the outcome of this course.
âś“ How to use applied kinesiology for accurate self-testing.
âś“ How to determine your food sensitivities in less than 1 minute.

Lesson 1 focuses on the body. You’ll learn all about the gut microbiome, the symptoms of leaky gut and yeast overgrowth, and detoxing basics to help remove and repair the offending agents. All the information and resources you need to complete a full body detox are provided.

You will learn:
âś“ How to strategically remove undesirable foods from your diet.
âś“ How to navigate meal planning and create easy, detox-friendly recipes.
âś“ How to create a shopping list to support your full body detox.
âś“ How to use the 5-R Protocol for combating gastrointestinal issues.
âś“ How to start your day to optimize your liver’s ability to flush out toxins.

In level 2, you’ll dive into powerful strategies to cleanse harmful chemicals from your home. I’ll share the “dirty dozen” chemicals to avoid in skincare and provide shopping lists to help you accomplish a comprehensive household detox.

Lesson 1 focuses on the body. You’ll learn all about the gut microbiome, the symptoms of leaky gut and yeast overgrowth, and detoxing basics to help remove and repair the offending agents. All the information and resources you need to complete a full body detox are provided.

You will learn:
âś“ How to choose healthier and more sustainable personal care products.
âś“ How to reduce your exposure to heavy metals and other ecological toxins..
âś“ How to reduce your exposure to heavy metals and other ecological toxins.
âś“ How to plan an environmental detox to eliminate mold, mercury, and chlorine.
âś“ How to eliminate BPA, PTFE, and other dangerous compounds from your kitchen.

In the final Body Rx module, you’ll learn about the importance of adrenal health, how to heal your adrenals, and how to adopt sustainable lifestyle practices for optimal wellbeing. Finally, we’ll close out this week with one of my most potent meditations: The Healing Body Meditation..

You will learn:
âś“ How to detox your entire body through five main pathways.
âś“ How to identify and address the three stages of adrenal fatigue.
âś“ How to develop an exercise regimen that supports your metabolism.
âś“ How to use Traditional Chinese Medicinal techniques to achieve balance.
âś“ How to integrate all you’ve learned about the body into your daily life.

In week 5, you’ll transition from focusing on the body to uncovering the mysteries of the mind and the power of the heart by examining how our thoughts and emotions affect our energetic balance. This is the point in the course where you’ll begin to understand the heart/mind connection as the cornerstone of human consciousness.

You will learn:
âś“ How to fuse ancient techniques and modern science to balance the mind.
âś“ How to create a personalized and dedicated sacred space.
âś“ How to master the art of meditation to achieve peace of mind.
âś“ How to achieve emotional harmony through five expert methods.

In this profound module, you’ll learn the remaining four balancing strategies for mastering your emotions: sound healing, etheric cord cutting, energy self-protection, and heart-mind connection. All the tools you need to balance your thoughts and emotions are at your fingertips.

You will learn:
âś“ How to self-test for emotional balance to determine areas of improvement.
âś“ How to use Traditional Chinese Medicine to balance your thoughts and emotions.
âś“ How to achieve a deeper understanding of how thoughts and emotions affect your health.
âś“ How to cut draining attachments and relationships from your life with a simple exercise.
âś“ How to use heart-connections to achieve a neutral state and clear negativity.

This transformative module will tie together all you’ve learned about the body and mind with the power of the soul. You’ll learn all about your Soul Anatomy and the life force energy that sustains you. We’ll discuss the power of healing tools such as color and light, crystals, aromatics, and sacred geometry.

You will learn:
âś“ How to identify, understand, and balance your Soul Anatomy Doorways.
âś“ How to use the power of light and color to create soul-level harmony.
âś“ How to choose crystals and aromatics that will support your journey.
âś“ How to perform a sacred geometry self-test to harness the power of symbols.
âś“ How to use third-eye meditation to achieve inner peace and balance.

The final moule is where you enter a portal of reflection to fully integrate all you’ve learned about body, mind, and soul. The final soul level will propel you into a new paradigm of balance and vitality as you complete the journey of awakening your inner healer.

You will learn:
âś“ How to connect to and maintain access to the wisdom of your soul.
âś“ How lifestyle routines and habits are the keys to sustaining self-healing.
âś“ How to overcome obstacles and barriers to success on your journey.
âś“ How to assess your progress from the start of the course to now.
âś“ How to design your own personal Wholistic Wisdom lifestyle routine.


Enroll Now and Get These Bonus Offerings FREE!

A Detox-Friendly Cookbook and 2 Guided Meditations
Elena has created an entire cookbook of detox-friendly recipes to support your transformation. She’s included 8 detailed shopping lists so you know exactly what you need to succeed. You’ll also have access to two powerful guided meditations.
Pre- and Post-Course Assessments
Receive detailed assessments that will help you gauge your pre- and post-course standings and progress in all areas of body, mind, and soul balance.
Official Wholistic Institute Diploma
You'll be awarded an official diploma certifying your completion of the course and qualifying you for future advancements in my course offerings. This diploma serves as a physical reminder of the dedication you put into your healing journey.




Wholistic Wisdom:
Awakening Your Inner Healer


All sales are final. No refunds, credits, or cancellations.


âś“  Get full digitial access to the entire course on devices: Android, iOS, Apple TV, Desktop & tablet.


Gifting Note: After payment, you will be sent an email that can be printed or forwarded to the gift recipient. It will contain a one-time use coupon code for them to download it for free.

All purchases are final. No refunds or credits.

Your payments are processed securely by Stripe,
trusted by millions worldwide.


Frequently Asked Questions

For 8 weeks, you’ll be guided through 3 segments, Body, Mind, and Soul, divided into 7 modules. Each module explores 4 lessons in which you’ll learn how to support your wellness on all levels, through a combination of video lectures, handouts, assignments, and practical exercises. You only need to set aside 2 hours a week to complete the lessons on time.

You’ll start by learning the vital importance of caring for your body and treating it as the sacred temple it is. You’ll gain benefits like improved energy, quality of life, and overall health by transforming your diet, your self-care routine, sleep habits, exercise regimen, and more.

During the mind portion of the course, you’ll learn to understand your emotions, connect to gratitude, create a sacred space in your home, and overcome negativity with meditation, healing sounds, and energy self-protection.

The final soul-level portion of the course helps you achieve inner peace by connecting you to your higher self, your purpose, and the Soul Anatomy doorways, with sacred tools like aromatherapy, crystal therapy, and sacred geometry.

This course is for anyone who wants to achieve body, mind, and soul balance with natural methods. It’s for anyone who has suffered from chronic illness, mystery symptoms, or pain, and experienced the frustration of looking for answers and coming up empty-handed. This course is designed so even those with the busiest schedules can carve out time to get online and complete the lessons anywhere, anytime.

This course will empower you with the ability to awaken your inner healer with proprietary Wholistic techniques so you can take charge of your health and improve every area of your life with love and care. You’ll take your wellness routine to the next level, resulting in better sleep, more energy, and a more purposeful life. You’ll completely detox your body, home, and relationships, too!

Wholistic Wisdom is designed to be a journey that is accomplished as a community - but it’s perfectly fine to also study the curriculum at your own pace.

And yes, if you get busy on some days, it’s OK to pick up where you left off. What’s most important is your commitment to completing the entire process.

What Experts Say


"She truly understands how everything is connected."

"The unique value Elena brings to the field of holistic healing is that she truly understands how everything is connected. Wholistic Wisdom offers a unifying perspective on health and spirituality that may very well change your beliefs and the way you approach your human experience."

~ Nassim Haramein,


"Wholistic Wisdom enable students to evolve from passive victims to responsible co-creators".

"Wholistic Wisdom includes a concise compilation of practical activities, exercises and programs that enable students to evolve from passive victims to responsible co-creators of their life experiences. The knowledge of “self” provided in this highly readable work offers an opportunity to acquire the self-empowerment needed to thrive through the current wave of planetary chaos."

~ Bruce Lipton, PhD, Stem cell biologist and bestselling author of The Biology of Belief, Spontaneous Evolution & The Honeymoon Effect


"I love this course!"

"[..] Elena Bensonoff’s course is the miracle you have been looking for! Elena has a unique Wholistic approach to well-being because she addresses healing on three parallel levels: body, mind and soul. Not only is the course easy to follow and beautifully designed, it covers a wealth of cutting-edge information and resources that every person needs on their healing journey. Elena is a born teacher and luminous guide. I love this course and am blown away by the amount of “aha moments” I had that have significantly changed my lifestyle and my health for the better.[...] We all deserve to be well and healthy – and thanks to Elena it is possible for everyone to finally master their health and become the healer they were looking for!"

~ Elena Herdieckerhoff, Founder & Ceo of


"Thank you Elena!"

“Thank you, Elena, for being there when I needed healing myself! Your energy & wisdom were exactly what I needed. Thanks for being so amazing!”

~ Jeffrey Allen, Author, Speaker, Energy Healer & Teacher


"I am feeling better than I have ever in my life."

“ When I first met Elena, I had almost lost hope about my health. I am a sufferer of chronic sinusitis – surgery, dozens of rounds of antibiotics, steroids and neti-pots were doing nothing. I kept getting sick every 3-months, and every time I went to the doctor, they just wanted to throw more drugs at me. [...] within my first 5-minutes of talking to Elena, it was a “fully body yes” that she was the person I was meant to work with. She was able to intuitively tell me what I was suffering of [...] – which were the true physical ROOT of my sinus issues. She did a series of tests shortly thereafter that confirmed all her intuitions were right. [...] We also did a lot of work on the EMOTIONAL root of my sickness, and as such, she also taught me a whole new series of energy medicine – breath work, meditation and heart openers. While nothing is perfect, I am feeling better than I have ever in my life. Through my work with Elena, I have learned to listen, honor and cherish my human body more than ever before, and become intuitively connected to it in a way I never was before her work. Perfect health is not a destination. It’s not about finding the “cure” but embracing the journey toward your own version of vital health. Elena has taught me that journey can be an incredible experience of self-discovery of the soul. There is no one like her in the industry. I also need to mention how available Elena is to her clients. It’s like having a doctor on speed dial – literally. She shows up for you at a moment’s notice, not only with insights and information, but with compassion and love. To have that kind of support in a ANY doctor is unheard of. She is one of the most treasured people in my life. There is no one like her. She is the real deal and more.”

~ Jessica Zweig Fisher, CEO & Founder at SimplyBe. Agency


"I am so thankful to have her as a very important resource in my life".

"I have found Elena’s spiritual counseling to be extremely helpful and insightful. Her beautiful spirit is very healing. Her presence is transformational in quite unexpected ways. I am so thankful to have her as a very important resource in my life."

~ Sheryl Hakala, MD


"...important things your physician did not learn in medical school!"

"As a physician with 30 years’ experience, I can say Elena has provided a comprehensive health guide that teaches you the most important things your physician did not learn in medical school! And best, she clearly lays out for you exactly how to do all these things yourself. Having incorporated functional medicine over the last 15 years and been personally challenged to think differently, I can confirm what has become obvious: the key to our health lies within ourselves. Wholistic Wisdom will teach you how to heal your body and soul so you can experience true health and vitality.”

~ Peggy Watson, MD


"...this book covers exactly what everyone needs..."

“Elena Bensonoff’s Wholistic Wisdom is a practical manual for everyday life. From scientific research to intuitive wisdom, this book covers exactly what everyone needs: inspiration, motivation and action steps to feel more alive and energy-rich. I’ve never seen such a brilliant connection of body-mind-spirit applications that work like magic, as in WW."

~ Darya Haitoglou, Psychologist & Systemic Relationship Coach at

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