My Love Affair with Natural Perfume Making

perfume Nov 30, 2015

Scent has captivated me ever since I was a little girl. I reminisce fondly on the smell of flowers, blooming trees, early morning cut grass, rain, freshly washed linens after they were left outside to dry, my mother’s cooking and my father's shoulder. I vividly remember the rush of excitement when I would sneak a spritz of my mother’s favorite perfume- it was as if something magical was about to happen.

As I grew older, my infatuation with fragrances grew into a full-blown love affair. My day even feels incomplete without applying a scent as fragrance allows me to connect to my power of self-expression. Certain scents have this remarkable ability to inspire, empower, motivate, and connect to every desire and emotion. It stores warm memories in each of our cells. The experience is similar to opening up an old locket.

As a Pharmacist, the process of creation always intrigued me. My training and knowledge in the field of Integrative Medicine compelled me to create a much cleaner and healthier version of the mainstream, synthetic fragrances.

I was whisked away on an incredible journey of learning the art and science of natural perfume making. It is an art form that requires patience, intuition, respect, and deep appreciation and love for each ingredient. With that being said, I can’t tell you how many times I disposed of failed blends. But it was my passion and yearning to create a beautiful and magical masterpiece that kept me going.



Try My Natural Perfumes

All of our Orali Perfumes are 100% natural and luxurious. They are handcrafted in small batches, utilizing the finest ingredients from around the world. Love, Nature, Integrity and Beauty are the main creative inspirations in all of my creations.

“May the beauty inspire you, and create truly magical memories for you each and every day.”  Elena Bensonoff, R.Ph

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