Being in balance is our natural state.
When we are in balance our energy is good. We sleep better, have more vitality, recover faster. We are happier and healthier. Our mood is lighter, our intuition clearer.
When we are out of balance our energetic field is stagnant and blocked. We are quick to become ill and slow to recover. We don’t feel rested even with plenty of sleep. We suffer from negative emotional patterns.
Our precious body has innate intelligence that is always seeking a state of balance. Known as homeostasis, it keeps us healthy, happy and even alive.
We are beings of energy, living in a world of energy. We create energy and we consume it. We sense energy even if we can't see it. It surrounds and flows through us and influences our every thought and action. Energy is the currency of balance.
Many of us lead disconnected lives; disconnected from our surroundings, from our bodies, from each other. Daily we are...
Hi, I’m Elena Bensonoff, Quantum Medicine Expert.
Here at Wholistic, our vision is to help facilitate the healing process so that you can reconnect with your authentic, whole self. So often, the root cause of physical or emotional imbalances is embedded in negative emotions that block the flow of energy in the body—increasing the likelihood of chronic pain, anxiety, and disease.
We recognize and honor your life path and are here to guide you to your own mastery.
Discover 3 powerful ways to bring health & vitality into your everyday life in Elena's FREE Masterclass!
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