Break Free From Anxiety: 6 Natural Solutions to Address the Root Cause

Humanity is suffering from an anxiety epidemic.

According to the 2024 Trends Report from the American Psychological Association, 90% of people in the U.S. believe we are collectively experiencing a mental health crisis. One-third of those surveyed reported they were unable to access the mental health services they needed, with 80% citing cost and over 60% citing shame and stigma as significant barriers. (1)

These alarming statistics point to the urgent need for effective and accessible solutions to combat the anxiety crisis.

This blog unpacks the scope of anxiety, examines the downsides of conventional treatment options, and empowers you with proven natural solutions to address the root cause of anxiety so you can break free for good.

Don’t miss your invitation to work one-on-one with me to create a personalized plan that will rejuvenate and support your unique nervous system and put you on the fast track to peace.



Understanding the Scope of Anxiety

Our ancestors...

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Natural Anxiety Relief

anxiety Sep 24, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 6
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff


Hello, I am so thankful that you are here for this podcast episode. My name is Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert. Today we cover a very important topic – we will discuss natural anxiety relief. I will explain why anxiety management is important and also give you some of my favorite natural anxiety remedies.



When your mind is feeling “off,” it becomes difficult to lead a normal life.

Chronic anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders can be completely debilitating.

Since cognitive and emotional symptoms can’t be easily “proven,” it’s often incredibly difficult to get answers or effective solutions from your healthcare team (other than the usual mind-numbing, symptom-suppressing prescription).

An astounding amount of people come to me because...

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Chakra Healing Relieves Anxiety

anxiety chakras healing Jan 27, 2016

Years of experience in helping patients has strengthened my trust in the transformative benefits of Chakra Clearing and Balancing sessions for a multitude of different symptoms and imbalances.

Today I want to focus on a special case.

One rainy afternoon, I received a call from a patient that I hadn’t seen in a while because of his hectic work schedule. He came into my office with extreme anxiety upon returning from weeks of business travels. His symptoms included: shortness of breath, pressure in his chest and a racing heart. His anxiety was so detrimental that he was either going to see me or go to the emergency room. I told him that he should go to the ER if he doesn’t feel better after our session.

Our health is directly correlated with how open and balanced our chakras are.

His first and fourth chakras were blocked resulting in disconnection, lack of grounding and the energetic obstruction of his heart/love center.

The Root chakra or 1st chakra is associated with our...

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