Beware: The Dangerous Ingredients Lurking in Your Favorite Perfume

Perfume: It's the finishing touch to our outfits, the olfactory signature we leave behind, the invisible accessory that completes our presence. But beneath the allure of those beautifully crafted bottles lies a darker truth: the presence of potentially harmful ingredients. While the fragrance industry is known for its secrecy regarding formulations, a peek behind the curtain reveals a slew of substances that may pose risks to our health and the environment.

Here are some of the dangerous ingredients often found in perfumes:

1. Phthalates: These chemicals are commonly used as solvents and fixatives in fragrances to make the scent last longer. However, phthalates have been linked to hormone disruption, reproductive issues, and even certain cancers. They can also harm the environment, persisting in waterways and affecting aquatic life.

2. Parabens: Often used as preservatives in cosmetics, including perfumes, parabens can mimic estrogen in the body and disrupt the endocrine system....

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The Hidden Dangers Lurking in Your Favorite Perfume

orali perfume Aug 17, 2017

And why you should care…



All Perfumes Aren’t Equal

Many of the most popular perfumes use synthetic fragrances to give them their signature scent. That ‘ode de cologne’ you love so much. The ‘floral bouquet’ aroma that seduces. That waft of ‘ocean breeze’ that takes you right to the beachside. These popular fragrances owe more to the petrochemical industry than to anything in the natural world. They are known as ‘synthetic fragrances’, or simply ‘fragrances’, and there is nothing pure or natural about them.

It is estimated that more than 95% of the components in fragrances are derived from chemicals, many of them highly toxic, that originated in the petrochemical industry. Even if your favourite perfume says it is natural, unless it lists every ingredient, you cannot be sure that they do not use ‘fragrances’. To protect their ‘secret recipes’, manufacturers are not required...

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The Secret Life of Chocolate

perfume Jan 05, 2017

Chocolate is synonymous with love, sensual indulgence and decadence. Who hasn’t salivated at the sight of a decadent chocolate ganache? Or had your heart race at the thought of indulging in a liqueur infused chocolate truffle? We gift chocolates to our lover. We turn to it for both comfort and celebration. The aroma is seductive and irresistible.



It can be addiction. An obsession. A love affair.

Our connection with chocolate dates back over 4,000 years. For the Mayan civilization, chocolate was an integral part of life. It was renowned to cure over 300 ailments due it its antioxidant and antibacterial properties. No single plant was held most sacred.

The Aztec civilization also held the bean of the cacao tree as sacrosanct. It played a central part in the most important rituals. Weddings, births, and religious ceremonies would not be complete without it.

A luxury item in 16th Century Europe, when the cacao bean was first introduced it was immediately adopted as...

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My Love Affair with Natural Perfume Making

perfume Nov 30, 2015

Scent has captivated me ever since I was a little girl. I reminisce fondly on the smell of flowers, blooming trees, early morning cut grass, rain, freshly washed linens after they were left outside to dry, my mother’s cooking and my father's shoulder. I vividly remember the rush of excitement when I would sneak a spritz of my mother’s favorite perfume- it was as if something magical was about to happen.

As I grew older, my infatuation with fragrances grew into a full-blown love affair. My day even feels incomplete without applying a scent as fragrance allows me to connect to my power of self-expression. Certain scents have this remarkable ability to inspire, empower, motivate, and connect to every desire and emotion. It stores warm memories in each of our cells. The experience is similar to opening up an old locket.

As a Pharmacist, the process of creation always intrigued me. My training and knowledge in the field of Integrative Medicine compelled me to create a much...

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