Why You Should Try Cannabisā€¦

cannabis marijuana Jun 12, 2018

Recently, marijuana products have been hitting the mainstream market in a big way. Navigating the terms and claims of these products can be intimidating and confusing. I’m here to help you gather the information you need to understand what leading experts deem effective and what could be a potential ally in your supplement regimen. I’ve experienced the benefits of cannabis first-hand and I’m excited to share them with you!

When I began my journey in the medical community over 20 years ago as a clinical pharmacist, I was aware that the cannabis plant had been used medicinally for centuries. Due to controversy over its psychoactive effects and legal issues, it was criminalized for a long time and medical benefits have only recently been more thoroughly investigated by research. Today, there is substantial evidence that cannabis can be therapeutic for many different conditions.

First, let’s dive into some essential terminology. Then I’ll share some...

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