Self-Love Sabotage

self love Feb 12, 2019

Have you ever struggled with self-love? Does it seem like you’re “blocking” others from loving you? Do you find it difficult to “unplug” and be truly present in the moment?

This inner conflict and disconnect with presence is an epidemic in our society. Not only does it affect us, but we see our children falling victim to the comparison trap too. We have to stop and wonder: are we feeding into chronic insecurity by filtering our reality through a screen? What happens when we log out of our devices and come face to face with our here and now?

I’m here to tell you how social media could be sabotaging your ability to love yourself unconditionally and blocking your ability to have healthy relationships. I will also teach you how to consult the “mirror of your heart” for a serious self-love reality check. Social media doesn’t have to bring you down, at the end of this post I offer 10 tips for engaging on social media from a...

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