You May Have Inherited Limiting Beliefs, But You Can Release & Rise Above Them

genes release & rise Nov 16, 2022

"So many of us are leading limited lives not because we have to but because we think we have to." ~ Bruce H. Lipton, PhD (The Biology of Belief)

In Chapter 5 of my book, Wholistic Wisdom, which Dr. Lipton endorsed, I speak about the power of belief.

Many studies on the placebo effect have shown that there’s little difference between patient groups that actually received medication or treatment and groups that only believed they did.

Belief is powerful enough to change even our physical health. But belief can go both ways.

As much as we can believe ourselves into a state of healing, love, and peace, our limiting beliefs can also keep us stuck on the negative side of the spectrum.

When we stay in a low-vibrational thought loop, our brain stresses, our body suffers, and our ability to improve our experience diminishes.

But what if we inherited certain limiting beliefs without even being conscious of them?

As Alejandro and I have discovered through analyzing people’s...

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