The Dangers of Juice Cleanses

cleanse detox juice Apr 23, 2018

Juice cleanses and other all-liquid detox diets are often glorified as “cure-alls.” Many promises are made with “quick-fix” program marketing that provide several days or weeks of juices for a hefty fee. These companies dole out hope for feeling and looking better FAST with colorful drinks and clever branding. Many people hear about these programs and try to create their own at home.

Desperation for a solution to a weight management or health problem can lead to drastic measures like these. Don’t be fooled by the hype! I have researched heavily and speak from many years of experience as an integrative health practitioner when I say: these fad diets can do more harm than good. In this article, I will help you understand why these liquid-only juicing protocols should be avoided unless prescribed by a trusted professional who can provide you with guidance on what steps you can take on your own to look and feel better.



Raw juices do contain...

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