Beware of “Instagram Schizophrenia”

social media Feb 28, 2020

I just discovered the phenomenon of “Instagram schizophrenia…”

It’s really sad what’s happening… essentially, self-worth and the worth of companies has gotten so wrapped up in likes, follows, and comments that people are losing themselves to delusion and the fragmentation of reality to boost their “performance” on Instagram.

There are individuals and services creating countless fake accounts, engagements, and interactions on this platform to create the illusion of popularity and success. People are interacting with themselves as if they are other people! This shocked me.

Somehow happiness and worthiness have gotten more tied up in statistical “growth” than in genuine presence. When numbers become the focus over authenticity and true connection – “analytics” may be gained, but so much more is lost.

At the end of the day, this chaotic monopoly will not go far because it is done from the vibration of fear....

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