The Spooky Side of Coffee Shops: How Your Morning Boost Is Actually Bringing You Down

coffee health wellness Nov 09, 2022

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 29
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hi there and welcome to the Wholistic Living podcast. I’m Elena Bensonoff and I’m excited to share with you another episode in the Be the Hero of your Health series. I’m here to help you look at the daily choices you make and empower you with information to set you on the path to forever wellness and lasting energy.

Today we will be taking a close look at the spooky side of coffee shops. You’ll learn why their coffees are problematic - including a look at the negative effects of sugar, caffeine, mycotoxins, and dairy on your body. I’ll also share a solution that will help support your journey to body, mind, and soul balance.



Overview of the Problem

The once green leaves are changing to oranges and red. The air is crisp and cool. Bundled in your favorite cozy sweater, you join the herd and head to your favorite coffee...

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