DIY Soul Rescue Seminar

DIY First-Aid Soul Rescue seminar was an incredible experience for all who attended and also a true gift for me to share.

In the first part of the seminar, we covered theory and how historically science and spirituality went through many shifts and now both are finally coming together again.

We explored the idea of being in charge of our actions, reactions, emotions and what we perceive as our own reality. And that we are not governed by our genes and our environment.

Instead we are powerful creators!

In the second part of the seminar, we learned how to balance both sides of our brain and integrated all of the necessary tools to test and release what is truly blocking us and keeping us from achieving our own happiness and success.

At the very end we had a fire ceremony, which supported the process of releasing and transforming aspects that no longer belonged to us. 

“Happiness is when… what you think, what you say, what you do and who you are... are in...

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