Breaking Free From Fear-Based Living

fear Jun 30, 2023

I am not speaking about the realistic fears such as being under physical attack, being chased by a terrifying tiger, living and experiencing a state of war, or dealing with a life-threatening illness. I would like to focus our attention on fears that we create in our minds that are based on our imagination, perceptions, and interpretations.

Most of the time we become slaves to our thoughts and project fear into our reality. Fear can lead to many debilitating physical and mental imbalances such as paranoia, panic attacks, anxiety, depression, jealousy, chronic stress, and eventually burnout.

In this blog, I will cover ways to break free from fear-based living and how you can experience more peace in just three weeks!



Examine Your Thought Patterns

Have you ever examined your thought patterns to understand if they are truly supporting you?

  1. I hate my job but afraid to leave it because…
  1. I am miserable in my relationship but...
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The Collective Shadow: Moving From Fear to Love

I hope you are having a happy, healthy holiday season!

As another intense year comes to a close, I want to take some time to address the collective shadow we are all experiencing. We have seen the depths of darkness and separation on a worldwide scale. Everything we have been going through as a collective has been bringing the shadow aspects of humanity to light.

We are at the beginning of a great shift in collective vibrational frequency. Something special has been awakening in each of our hearts for a long time. It's important to address what it will take for each person to move from a state of fear to love, because that is the effort it will take for us to remember and reclaim our Divinity. It's time to transmute our trauma, unite, and choose the path of love!

In this blog, we will examine:

  • What the collective shadow is
  • The vibrational frequency reading data for the human collective this year, 2023, 2024, and then reveal what year a big shift in frequency will happen
  • What you...
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