3 Ways To Let Love Lead

love Nov 19, 2022

Imagine coming to a major crossroads in your life. You are unsure which path to take. I’m here to tell you, the answer is to let love lead.

Love is the greatest mystery you’ll ever explore. Connect with love and you’ll be happier, healthier, and more in alignment with your soul’s purpose. You’ll begin to notice the love all around you instead of remaining numb to it. It is the knowing that we are not separate from one another and the universal power that brings out and multiplies the best in life. It is true oneness.

In this blog post, you’ll learn how to stop, look, and listen – much like you would do before entering a crossroad! These three steps will help you open your heart and reinforce a default of love until it comes as easy as breathing. Focus on the love in your life and you hold the power to change the world!



1. Stop Letting Fear Lead

Fear is an agitated energy source. When you allow your thoughts...

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Embrace Love Consciousness

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your loved ones from my heart to yours!

Let’s celebrate the vibrational frequency of love together by honoring and listening to our hearts.

Something very interesting has been happening around the globe… A ripple effect of love consciousness. As just a small example, the internet search query for the term “love consciousness” has reached an all-time high as of last month. There is a definite shift happening because so many of us are choosing to expand our own consciousness and share love with the world. Let’s keep the momentum going!

So how can we take the next step toward embracing love consciousness in our lives?

This blog is an invitation and a reminder to transmute fear to allow a deeper connection to love. I will explain what love consciousness is, how to transmute fear into love, and how each one of you can boost your vibrational frequency and contribute to elevating the consciousness of humanity. I’m also...

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The Collective Shadow: Moving From Fear to Love

I hope you are having a happy, healthy holiday season!

As another intense year comes to a close, I want to take some time to address the collective shadow we are all experiencing. We have seen the depths of darkness and separation on a worldwide scale. Everything we have been going through as a collective has been bringing the shadow aspects of humanity to light.

We are at the beginning of a great shift in collective vibrational frequency. Something special has been awakening in each of our hearts for a long time. It's important to address what it will take for each person to move from a state of fear to love, because that is the effort it will take for us to remember and reclaim our Divinity. It's time to transmute our trauma, unite, and choose the path of love!

In this blog, we will examine:

  • What the collective shadow is
  • The vibrational frequency reading data for the human collective this year, 2023, 2024, and then reveal what year a big shift in frequency will happen
  • What you...
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See Through The Illusion of Separation

love Apr 12, 2021

Have you noticed the divide that seems to be growing more prevalent in our world today?

The differing opinions and backgrounds of different people seem to clash now more than ever. It seems like humanity as a whole is at war. It’s true there is a lot that needs to be fixed, wrongs to be righted, and wounds to heal. It is also true that we are all Divine beings that deserve love. I’m here today to help bridge the gap that divides, and give you hope that we can overcome the us vs. them mentality.

There is an illusion of separation, like a dense fog that threatens to blind humanity and tear us apart. Yet I believe that we are at a vital point in history where we have the opportunity to come together and truly learn to understand one another.

Today I am going to help you understand what is causing this division, explain the difference between the frequencies of fear and courage, and help you release the opposition that is holding you hostage. I also have a FREE meditation to...

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10 Steps You Can Take to Generate Unlimited Love in 2020

love new year Jan 13, 2020
You may wonder, what happens if you feel burnt out, depressed, or stuck in a winter funk? Can you still align with love?
Yes you can!

You don’t have to feel “happy” or “upbeat” to share and receive love. In fact, doing so regardless of your mood can help you find your way back to abundant energy, happiness, and a positive outlook.

Here are 10 Steps You Can Take to Generate Unlimited Love in 2020:

  1. Eat a nourishing diet, prioritizing organic foods
  2. Ditch inflammatory ingredients like sugar, gluten, dairy, and alcohol
  3. Stay hydrated – start each day with a glass of lemon water!
  4. Protect yourself from harmful EMF exposure
  5. Be more intentional about the things you watch, listen to, and read
  6. Create healthy boundaries and end toxic relationships
  7. Start a meditation practice and connect to your heart
  8. Do daily breathing exercises… try this one from my Ten X Ten talk
  9. Master your mind-body connection with daily affirmations
  10. Watch...
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