Finding Peace & Navigating COVID-19

coronavirus flu immunity Mar 16, 2020

In light of new findings about the COVID-19 virus in recent days, I compiled even MORE empowering strategies to fortify your immune system and help you find peace.

That is why I’m writing this to expand on my initial 10 Immune System Boosting Tips blog post with some updates and 4 additional tips!

As someone who has dedicated their career to helping the collective find balance and healing, I can tell you that aligning with fear and worry is the worst thing you can do for your immune system.

Don’t let media hysteria shake your trust that you are Divinely guided and loved through all.

I’ve been staying up to date with experts in the medical field and I want to assure you that there ARE effective ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from this virus.

So please take a moment to remember that!

Before we get into the new prevention recommendations, here is a quick update of the latest findings released by the medical community.



6 New COVID-19...

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Coronavirus Concerns? 10 Immune System Tips

Coverage of the Coronavirus is spreading lots of fear, chaos, and misinformation…

So, I wanted to check in and make sure my Wholistic family is empowered with a solid foundation of practical guidance for navigating this situation.

I first want to share a comparison of seasonal flu next to the Coronavirus statistics. It’s helpful to remember that the media frenzy is fear-based and is largely due to the fact this virus is new.

The truth is, the seasonal flu impacts way more people, but we consider that a “normal” annual occurrence so it does not receive this much coverage.

*Source for tracking the Coronavirus: NY Times

Important points about Coronavirus: Just as with the seasonal flu, it spreads by contact with infected people and surfaces via respiratory droplets. The symptoms of Coronavirus compared to the seasonal flu are not very different, as you can see in this article. Usually only those with added risk factors such as being immunocompromised require...

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