(WQH: Part 3 of 8) The Alchemy of Health

quantum healer Aug 16, 2022

Welcome to Part 3 of 8 in our WQH mini-series. If you’re joining late or missed Part 1 & 2, read them first, here and here.

(WQH is a shorthand for Wholistic Quantum Healer™. We'll add it to the subject of all blogs in this series for your benefit.)

Sometimes, to understand what something is, we need to get clear on what it’s not.

Energy healing is not magic.

It is a subtle science. It is an art.

It is The Alchemy of Health. (Time sensitive: see the P.S. for a special announcement on this!)

Like any science, its tools are teachable. Like any art, its mastery requires both passion and commitment to practice.

Energy healing is the medicine of the future. A medicine that addresses the whole person — body, mind, and soul.

But practitioners are never actually doing the healing. They are being guided by the energetic resonance of the body to identify and release blockages so the body may heal itself.

Energy healing comes from within. Every person holds the key...

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(WQH: Part 2 of 8) You ARE The Medicine

quantum healer Aug 11, 2022

Welcome to Part 2 of 8 in our WQH mini-series. If you missed Part 1, you can catch up here.

(WQH is a shorthand for Wholistic Quantum Healer. We'll add it to the subject of all blogs in this series for your benefit.) 

In my first blog post, I shared something important. Something worth repeating:

To heal ourselves and others, we do not need to become anything other than what we already are. We do not need to learn anything other than what we already know. We simply need to awaken our inner healer.

Our very cells vibrate with the timeless wisdom of quantum healing. But wisdom without learning, applying, and mastering new information is unbalanced. And there is always something to learn. 

Your body is a powerful instrument with unlimited potential for natural healing. But no instrument can resonate in perfect harmony with the whole unless precisely tuned.

In our culture of quick-fixes and simple solutions, it’s easier to reach for an outside...

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(WQH: Part 1 of 8) The Symphony Of Us

quantum healer Aug 08, 2022

Welcome to our WQH mini-series!

(WQH is a shorthand for Wholistic Quantum Healer. We'll add it to the subject of all blogs in this series for your benefit.)

The certification training in St. Petersburg, Florida, October 7th - 9th will be the natural next step on the journey, for some. For others, it may not.

No matter where the adventure leads, I want to take this opportunity to give you a gift.

The gift of insight.

Insight (noun)

  1. an instance of apprehending the true nature of a thing, especially through intuitive understanding
  2. penetrating mental vision or discernment; faculty of seeing into inner character or underlying truth.

Take a moment to re-read that definition. It contains some important clues to help you tune in to where we’re going…

Lack of insight is the reason why so many of us are disconnected from our innate healing power.

To heal ourselves and others, we do not need to become anything other than what we already are. We do not need to learn...

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We Are Not Just Another Statistic 💗

quantum healer Aug 08, 2022

This is what global health stats don’t tell you…

I was a very sick child. 

You’ve probably heard my story. (If not, you can read it here.)

I could easily have become just another statistic in the rise of asthma and allergies in children. Children who then become chronically ill adults, dependent on medication to live a “normal life.”

But I didn’t. 

What began as a childhood fascination with the magical powers of medicine became a journey to the kind of well-being I could never have imagined as a small child.

Staring in through the windows of an old pharmacy, dreaming of a potion to eliminate my own and my loved ones’ suffering, I already had all the secret ingredients I yearned for. I just didn’t know it!

When my health reached a crisis point as an adult, I was faced with a choice. 

I could stay stuck in the cycle of sick care. Or I could step away from the conveyor belt of medications and treatments, take back my...

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Only We Can Fix Our Broken Healthcare System 💔

quantum healer Jul 12, 2022

“Stop talking. Stuff your face with cheeseburgers and French fries. Google it.”

It's time to welcome a new kind of healthcare!

Read on for shocking proof of the crisis, and a reason to hope...



May 20, 2022 | My eldest son, Sasha, arrives at the emergency room in agonizing abdominal pain.

He’s been feeling unwell lately and lost his appetite. He’s young, strong, and serving in the U.S. Coast Guard, so he thinks that he can deal with it… until he’s lost 50 pounds and needs a morphine drip. 

Doctors diagnose him with pancolitis (a severe form of ulcerative colitis which affects the entire large intestine) and he is admitted to the hospital for treatment. 

I am both stunned and appalled at what happens next. Weeks later, I’m still processing what we experienced.

Humanity is facing a global healthcare crisis. Will you be a part of the solution?

Click Here To Learn More



As a clinical...

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