6 Ways To Combat “COVID Brain”

Over the last 3 years, COVID-19 has tested our resilience in countless ways.

Many people are discovering they are suffering from “long COVID.” This is the continuation of fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, myalgia, brain fog, and a laundry list of other symptoms which may last 5 weeks or longer. Persistent brain fog is a common long COVID symptom which is referred to as “COVID brain.”

If you are struggling with COVID brain post-COVID infection, you are not alone!

In this blog, I’ll discuss COVID brain and how the health of your gut microbiome is the key to overcoming it. I’m also sharing my top 6 ways to re-diversify your gut microbiome to clear brain fog. Stay tuned for info on how to receive one-on-one gut health guidance from yours truly!



Do You Have COVID Brain?

Anyone can suffer from long COVID and COVID brain, even if you did not have any symptoms at the time of the initial infection.

A study of 250,000 people found that...

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Covid-19 Update

covid-19 gut health immunity Nov 29, 2021

I recently attended a seminar held by Dr. Pamela Smith, author of Max Your Immunity, all about Covid-19 and ways you can support your immune system to fight off illness. I wanted to share some of the valuable information with you, because it is information that can actually help you prevent or treat inflammation in the body from other causes as well.

More research is needed, but a solid foundation of research on this topic is being built. Keep in mind that the best approach is an individualized approach to treatment, but I am sharing protocols and advice that should be helpful in a general way for many people.

In this blog, I will be discussing the importance of gut health when it comes to preventing and treating inflammatory conditions like Covid-19. We will address stress and its impact on the immune system and gut health, how Covid-19 affects the balance of the gut microbiome, and how probiotics and prebiotics can reduce inflammation in the body and mitigate Covid-19 symptoms.


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One Breath at a Time

The state of our world is causing a lot of stress and unrest right now. The COVID-19 updates flood in constantly. However, I’m here to tell you that immersing yourself in fear-based rhetoric for hours a day is not healthy!

Instead of getting sucked in to checking on how much worse things have gotten, I want to challenge you to tune out of the news and tune in to your wellbeing.

The first step is to shift your mindset to consider that COVID-19 is here to activate a deeper understanding across the collective of how connected we all truly are.

By impacting the entire globe, this pandemic is ultimately creating unity.

Let’s embrace this time and space as a cocoon of transformation to do important inner work and reconnect to our highest selves.

We are all in this together!

To help you focus on taking care of yourself, I’m gifting you with The Ultimate Guide for Healthy Digestion! This guide will open your eyes to the simple natural healing techniques you can start right...

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