Ditch The Donuts: Sugar Is Sabotaging Your Health

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 28
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to the Wholistic Living Podcast. My name is Elena Bensonoff. This is the first episode of our new series: Be The Hero Of Your Health. The purpose of this series is to help empower you to take charge of your health, especially when it comes to the foods you nourish your body with.

I want to raise awareness of the negative effects of some popular foods and beverages that may be part of your diet. It’s so important to know how certain ingredients could be impacting your health and wellness. This series is curated to help you make informed decisions, eliminate confusion, and empower you to make healthy choices for life!

First up, we will explore some concerns about Dunkin’ Donuts. Then, we’ll dive into the dangers of added sugars including chronic conditions and sugar addiction. Finally, I’ll share 5 benefits of having...

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Harmonize Your Gut Microbiome Like Your Health Depends On It — Because It Does

gut health immunity leaky gut Oct 24, 2022

If your body is an orchestra, your gut microbiome is the conductor.

In recent years, science has begun to reveal the truth Hippocrates knew all along.

“All disease begins in the gut.” [1]

The key to vibrant health, therefore, is a well-harmonized gut microbiome.



What exactly is your gut microbiome and how do you harmonize it?

Picture a thriving tropical rainforest…

Over 40,000 species thriving in symbiotic harmony. And that’s just the trees! Thousands of different animals and millions of insects thrive in its diverse biosphere. And they all have an important role to play. Together, they maintain the delicate balance of the whole ecosystem.

Scale this down to the microscopic level and replace the plants, animals, and insects with 100 trillion microorganisms (most of them bacteria, but also viruses, fungi, and protozoa) [2], and you start to get the idea…

Your gut microbiome is your body’s quantum ecosystem!

What happens at the...

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7 Ways to Winter-Proof Your Immune System

health immunity wellness Sep 19, 2022

As the seasons change, it’s vital to maintain a healthy immune system.

Don’t rush out and buy more products that promise to “boost your immune system,” though.

Because what you really need are simple, sustainable ways to support your immunity, naturally.

What you really need is an immune system in harmony: neither underreacting nor overreacting.

And, unlike those off-the-shelf quick fixes, achieving true immune system harmony takes time and consistency. So don’t wait for winter to arrive in full force before you implement these tips.

Get started today!



7 Ways to Winter-Proof Your Immune System

1. Ditch the dairy

Americans alone consume over 600 pounds of milk, yogurt, cheese and ice cream a year. [1] That’s per person!

Besides the fact that dairy is mucogenic (meaning it produces mucus which makes you more susceptible to contagions), consider the following:

  • Studies have shown dairy protein facilitates the development of cancer...
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Why You Need Sun Exposure For Better Sleep

health Jul 12, 2022

Now that summer is here, I’m sure you and your families are eager to head outside to enjoy activities under the warm sun!

Here is something interesting I’ve learned about myself over time: when I’m not feeling well, one of the most healing things I can do is soak up some sun. If I’m outside between 30-60 minutes in the morning, I feel like my Divine light turns on from the inside! Recently, I was feeling completely depleted after a long week in the hospital, taking care of my son. I went to my father’s house and laid by the pool to recharge. An hour later, I felt rejuvenated! The sun exposure helped restore me.

Unfortunately, there is a major misconception that sun exposure is something to avoid entirely. Mainstream marketing will tell you to lather on the sunscreen before you go outside to avoid any direct contact with the sun’s harmful rays. This negative bias is actually causing a host of health challenges!

Your body uses rest as its natural...

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Covid-19 Update

covid-19 gut health immunity Nov 29, 2021

I recently attended a seminar held by Dr. Pamela Smith, author of Max Your Immunity, all about Covid-19 and ways you can support your immune system to fight off illness. I wanted to share some of the valuable information with you, because it is information that can actually help you prevent or treat inflammation in the body from other causes as well.

More research is needed, but a solid foundation of research on this topic is being built. Keep in mind that the best approach is an individualized approach to treatment, but I am sharing protocols and advice that should be helpful in a general way for many people.

In this blog, I will be discussing the importance of gut health when it comes to preventing and treating inflammatory conditions like Covid-19. We will address stress and its impact on the immune system and gut health, how Covid-19 affects the balance of the gut microbiome, and how probiotics and prebiotics can reduce inflammation in the body and mitigate Covid-19 symptoms.


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3 Natural Ways to Soothe Asthma Symptoms

If you struggle with asthma, you know how much the wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing episodes can affect your life. It feels like your lungs are under attack.

Sometimes they truly are, because environmental factors can make symptoms worse in conditions like allergic asthma and seasonal asthma. Some types of asthma don’t manifest until later in life like adult-onset asthma and some are situational like occupational asthma and exercise-induced asthma.

No matter what type you suffer from, I can empathize from personal experience. I know how frustrating it can be to live with this condition and suffer for years with no long-term answers. Luckily, you have choices when it comes to managing and even overcoming this disease.

That’s why I’ve decided to share the struggles I went through and the ultimate path to natural healing with you! Read on to hear my story and to learn how diet, supplements, and breathing techniques can soothe asthma symptoms!


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Become the CEO of Your Health!

health wellness Apr 23, 2020

Have you ever felt like you weren’t in control of your health?

As someone who spent years as a pharmacist - I have seen the powerlessness people experience when they give control of their health over to pills, “quick-fixes,” and people in white coats.

Nagging symptoms or mystery illness often break people down to the point of feeling there is no hope of recovery.

After years working in the field of Energy Medicine and helping people who felt beyond hope find their way back to health, I can tell you there is a better way! You can awaken your inner healing abilities and take charge of your life.

It’s time to become the CEO of your health!

Read on to learn why it’s so important to manage your body’s “company resources” and how to dedicate yourself to a multi-level mission for vibrant health. I’m also sharing an exclusive “CEO Meeting” meditation and The Ultimate Guide for Healthy Digestion with you!

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Coronavirus Concerns? 10 Immune System Tips

Coverage of the Coronavirus is spreading lots of fear, chaos, and misinformation…

So, I wanted to check in and make sure my Wholistic family is empowered with a solid foundation of practical guidance for navigating this situation.

I first want to share a comparison of seasonal flu next to the Coronavirus statistics. It’s helpful to remember that the media frenzy is fear-based and is largely due to the fact this virus is new.

The truth is, the seasonal flu impacts way more people, but we consider that a “normal” annual occurrence so it does not receive this much coverage.

*Source for tracking the Coronavirus: NY Times

Important points about Coronavirus: Just as with the seasonal flu, it spreads by contact with infected people and surfaces via respiratory droplets. The symptoms of Coronavirus compared to the seasonal flu are not very different, as you can see in this article. Usually only those with added risk factors such as being immunocompromised require...

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Is Sugar Making You Sick?

disease health sugar Mar 18, 2019

Have you made the decision to pursue a healthier lifestyle, only to find yourself failing to give up your favorite sweets time and time again?

Have you felt powerless in the attempt to give up sugar? If so, you are not alone.

Not only is sugar a hard habit to kick, but it could be damaging your health, causing mystery symptoms, and making you sick in ways you don’t realize.

In this post, we’ll explore the dangerous reality of sugar addiction and the many debilitating health conditions influenced by excess sugar intake. You’ll be empowered with the information you need to finally eliminate sugar from your diet. I also recommend a few of my personal favorite natural sweeteners that will nourish your body and help you to give up sugar for good!



Sugar Addiction is Very Real…

Have you ever thought that your struggle to give up sugar was beyond your control? It might sound extreme to compare sugar to drugs like cocaine or heroin. However, research...

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Your Holiday Gratitude Guide

gratitude health Nov 18, 2018

This holiday season, say goodbye to the blues and say hello to illuminating the path of love and light!

Think of your inner guidance as a navigation system that will notify you when you need to direct your attention to a particular area of your gratitude journey. I’ve divided up the gratitude journey for you as a roadmap of three main areas that need tender loving care during the holidays: the body, the mind, and the soul. Here are “turn-by-turn directions” to gratitude for the holidays, plus intentions and affirmations to support your path.



First Area: The Body

The body is an integral part of your journey to gratitude. There are many things we take for granted because we become disconnected from the body. Making a point to express gratitude for your health, strength, stamina, and ability to nourish yourself each morning before you start your day is a great way to begin on the right track. Embody gratitude even if you struggle with pain or illness...

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