Part 3: Illuminating Inspiration Consciousness

Life’s greatest gifts are often the simple things: the warmth of love, the tranquil flow of peace, a glimmer of joy, or a grounding sense of purpose.

If you want every day to overflow with those gifts, you must align with inspiration consciousness!

There is so much to discover about the third stage of consciousness in our Vibrational Frequencies of Awakening blog series: The Inspiration Stage.

If you are catching up on the stages of consciousness, you can learn about the first two stages here:

  1. Victim Consciousness
  2. Activation Consciousness

Let’s embark on a journey of understanding as we uncover the source of creative sparks, purposeful living, and the ever-expanding landscape of inspiration.

Read on to learn:

  • What the inspiration stage is
  • The 5 key elements of Inspiration Consciousness
  • How to nurture the flame of Inspiration Consciousness
  • How to discover your current consciousness level



What is the Inspiration Stage?

The stage of inspiration is more...

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Part 2: Ascending to the Activation Stage of Consciousness

We began our deep dive into the stages of consciousness by exploring the lowest level, the range of victimization. If you missed it - you can read Part 1 of this series here!

As you continue your journey of self-discovery through the Vibrational Frequencies of Awakening, you reach the next stage in consciousness evolution – the Activation Stage.

I’m excited to reveal the significance and transformative nature of the Activation Stage, shedding light on what it means for individuals and the collective consciousness.

Read on to learn:

  • What the activation stage is
  • The 5 key elements of the activation stage
  • 7 action steps to navigate the activation stage
  • How the shift to activation consciousness impacts the collective
  • How to find out your current level of consciousness



What is the Activation Stage?

The Activation Stage represents a pivotal point in the evolution of consciousness, signaling a shift towards higher awareness, expanded perception, and a deeper...

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Methylene Blue Killing Your Microbiome?!

I recently recorded my third interview with top gastroenterologist, researcher, and clinical trial expert, Dr. Sabine Hazan to discuss the potential consequences of Methylene Blue and how it impacts the microbiome.

Since the pandemic, the number one searched product on the internet has been Methylene Blue. While I was very hesitant at first, I too took it for about 4 months last year. While I did notice improvements initially with brain clarity, it also caused severe GI symptoms. And that's when I reached out to Dr. Sabine and she suggested to test my stool to see what was going on.

What we found, in my case and many others, was that Methylene Blue is killing the bifidobacteria and harming the microbiome. It's important to understand that anything and everything you eat, take, apply, and inject ends up in your gut. And once damaged, it can take at least a year to heal. Whenever a new product takes the world by storm, it's so important to test the microbiome...

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Seasonal Allergies Connected to Your Gut?

allergies gut health wholistic Mar 26, 2024

Today, I want to talk about pollen.

In some places around the world, pollen is out. Everything is blooming, it's springtime, and therefore, a lot of allergies.

Many of you have been reaching out and asking, "Elena, what can I do to prevent from being impacted by pollen and not having irritable eyes, congestion, and cough?" All of which are quite common during pollen season.

Let me explain something...

Pollen is related to mold which is a cousin of candida in your GI tract. Whenever your GI or your microbiome is out of balance, you're going to be a lot more sensitive and reactive to the pollen and to everything that is blooming outside.

If you have noticed that your symptoms keep getting worse with each allergy season, it's not spring that's changed, it's the health of your gut.

I explain in this 1-minute video below...

So, what can be done?



Heal Your Gut to Heal Your Symptoms

To prevent seasonal allergies, it's important that you see a specialist that knows how...

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Part 1: 10 Action Steps to Transcend Victim Consciousness

Have you wondered what you can do to become more conscious, awakened, and aware?

If your answer is yes, you’re in the right place!

So many people are being activated right now to snap out of the victim mentality. It’s a huge challenge because the majority of our matrix is built from fear-fueled victim consciousness.

But there’s hope! You can integrate the lessons of this consciousness stage and rise above it with vibrational mastery. This blog will be your roadmap to escape the cycle of negativity for good.

Read on to learn:

  • What victim consciousness is
  • Common signs of victim consciousness
  • 10 action steps to transcend victim consciousness
  • The top 3 Wholistic tools for vibrational mastery



What is Victim Consciousness?

We are all energy beings so we all exude a certain frequency based on our emotions. Victim consciousness is the lowest of the 5 stages of consciousness within the Vibrational Frequencies of Awakening Scale, expressed through...

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Egypt: A Journey Through the Ancient Past to Remember our Human History

bosnia egypt Mar 12, 2024

Alejandro and I recently returned from an extraordinary voyage, joined by a group of 30 individuals hailing from all corners of the globe. Our expedition through Egypt was not merely a trip; it was a transformative journey through the annals of time, delving deep into the mysteries of our shared human heritage.

This wasn't our first visit to Egypt, and as we embarked on this adventure, we knew it wouldn't be our last. Our souls hungered for the ancient wisdom buried beneath the sands, beckoning us to unravel its secrets and share its profound insights with others.



Experiences in the King's Chamber

One of the most poignant moments of our journey took place within the hallowed chambers of the Great Pyramid of Giza. The night before our official tour began, Alejandro and I had a private two-hour time capsule in the King's Chamber. As we meditated in the rose granite chamber and lay within the confines of the ancient sarcophagus, we felt the energies of the pyramid...

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The Secret Ingredient in DNA Alchemy

The ancient art of alchemy sought to transform materials and pinpoint the ingredient that would complete the recipe for spiritual awakening.

What if I told you that ingredient is available to you right now?

It’s stored in the blueprint of your being, within the ancient recipe of your DNA. If you know where to look, you’ll find that your DNA contains a secret ingredient: sacred geometry.

In today's blog, we are exploring the alchemy of DNA to discover…

  • DNA’s role as a transducer, alchemizing genetic code into life
  • DNA’s function as a transmitter, transcribing genetic code across generations
  • 3 key ways sacred geometry optimizes DNA function
  • The scientific connection between sacred geometry and DNA



DNA as a Transducer: The Recipe for Life

DNA shows just how intricate nature’s design can be. Like an alchemist's elixir, DNA swirls with the magic of life and secrets of existence, transforming biological information with incredible...

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Debunking 5 Common Myths About Serotonin

health Feb 20, 2024

Serotonin is commonly referred to as the "happy hormone."

However, the idea that higher levels of serotonin equals increased happiness is just not true. Recent studies challenge the reputation of this neurotransmitter, revealing a dark side to serotonin's effects.

I’m debunking 5 common myths about serotonin in today’s blog:

  1. Serotonin is strictly “the happy hormone”
  2. All mood disorders are caused by serotonin deficiency
  3. More serotonin means a better mood
  4. Serotonin supplements are perfectly safe 
  5. Serotonin resides mainly in your brain

It’s time to discover the truth about serotonin so you can step beyond the serotonin stereotype and understand its nuanced role in the body.



Myth 1: Serotonin is Strictly “The Happy Hormone”

Serotonin is a chemical messenger that transmits signals between nerve cells throughout the body. It plays a complex role in your body's functions, impacting sleep, mood, and even behavior. While...

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Negative Ions: 30 Powerful Health Benefits for Improved Sleep, Mood, & More

Have you ever wondered why you feel so refreshed and invigorated after a walk in the forest or a visit to the beach?

The answer might lie in the presence of negative ions, often referred to as “nature's mood boosters.” Negative ions are invisible molecules that carry an extra electron, giving them a negative charge.

They are abundant in natural environments, especially places with many trees or moving bodies of water like the ocean, rivers, or waterfalls. Picture it - rushing water hits a solid surface like rocks or sand, knocking loose electrons like tiny sparks. These freed electrons cling to nearby molecules, filling the air with revitalizing negative ions.

While they may be imperceptible to the naked eye, the impact negative ions have on your well-being is profound.

Read on to explore 30 fascinating, science-backed health benefits of negative ions that can support your journey to achieve body, mind, and soul balance. I’m also sharing my favorite ways to boost...

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Photons: The Art & Science Of Being The Light You Want To See In The World

light photons wholistic Feb 02, 2024

Never forget: you are a being of light!

In a world that seems heavy with darkness, it can feel difficult to sustain your Divine light. That’s why I wanted to share some fascinating photon research with you, to help illuminate the science-backed power you have to generate light from within and be the light you want to see in the world.

In this blog, you’ll learn:

  • What photons are and why they are essential to all life
  • The science of human photon emission 
  • The art of embodying Divine sunlight (perfect for making the most of shorter winter days!)
  • How to book an Energy Flow Analysis with me!



What Are Photons

There is always darkness in the universe – you’ve probably heard that everything around you is mostly “empty space.” However, what seems to be empty space is actually a symphony of energy composed of minute particles called photons.

Photons are the fundamental building blocks of electromagnetic radiation, encompassing the...

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