Divine Feminine Series: Sophia

divine feminine Jun 01, 2022

Do you feel the Divine Feminine awakening?

When you are dreaming or meditating, do you catch glimpses of light and truth and feel as if you are tapping into higher dimensions or levels of consciousness? In these quiet, contemplative moments, it can be easier to connect with your Divine Feminine aspects. When you slow down and go within, you are sure to receive loving Divine assistance!

I’m excited to introduce another installment of the Divine Feminine series – a collection of blogs that explores various goddesses and powerful women in history. In this blog, you’ll be introduced to Sophia – The Great Mother. We will dive into her background in mythology, how people throughout history connected with her, her vibrational frequencies, and 4 ways you can connect to the Divine feminine.



Sophia In Mythology: A Heroine's Journey

Sophia embodies Divine Feminine energy in countless ways. Her mission is to share the illumination of love and truth with...

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11 Ways To Enhance Your Intuition

intuition May 19, 2022

Intuition is one of your most powerful Divine gifts! When you tap into it, this “inner knowing” acts as a guiding light on your Divine path. With practice and conscious intention, the spark of your intuitive knowing can be tended into a brilliant flame that illuminates even the darkest corners of uncertainty.

In this blog, I’m sharing 11 of the most powerful ways you can enhance your intuition. Each of these action items can be incorporated into your daily routine right now! I want you to be able to experience the incredible intuitive abilities you’ve always had within so you can make confident decisions that will lead you toward your best life.



Intuition Is Your Best Friend!

Intuition is an innate part of you. We all have it! The question is: do you use this special gift? If you need a quick-start guide to understand what intuition is and how to tap into this super sense, check out: What Is Intuition And How Can I Learn To Use It? before...

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Divine Feminine Series: HĆ¼rrem Sultana

divine feminine May 16, 2022

When you reflect on your childhood thoughts and dreams, what feelings come up for you? In what ways do you feel you have manifested the life you imagined for yourself?

Very often, life takes unexpected twists and turns and dreams are interrupted by harsh realities – some of which are major obstacles to actualizing the life you had imagined. What if I told you your Divine Feminine aspects can help guide you to fulfill your dreams?

I wanted to share a powerful example of how tapping into your Divine Feminine gifts can skyrocket you into the life of your dreams, even if your path is starting from a place of struggle and adversity.

In this installment of the new Divine Feminine Blog Series, I am introducing you to Hürrem Sultana, a dynamic woman in history who rose into power by harnessing her Divine gifts! We will be exploring her background – including her vibrational frequencies, her historical impact, and ways you can harness your own Divine Feminine gifts.



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The Many Manifestations Of A Mother's Love

mother Apr 29, 2022

Being a Mother is a Divine act of love!

This Mother’s Day, I invite you to focus your attention on all the ways mothers bring so many manifestations of love into the world!

In this blog, you will discover powerful ways children learn from watching their mothers, reflect on the mother figures who have influenced your life, and learn how you can connect to the mother we all share – Mother Earth. I’m also announcing a special Mother’s Day gift you won’t want to miss!



Mamachka Memories…

Before we dive in, I wanted to share some reflections from my motherhood journey. I have four wonderful children. I am so incredibly honored to experience the joy of raising them – they are my friends! Watching my kids learn and grow over the years is a gift I will always cherish.

I saved some love notes my kids wrote me when they were little. These notes give me a precious glimpse of who I was from their point of view…

I depend on...

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The Power of Sacred Geometry

sacred geometry Apr 27, 2022

Sacred geometry can be found in the foundations of all things that sustain life on our planet from the flora and fauna that surround us, to the cutting-edge technology that helps us prevent and treat disease. Whether you’re looking to attract abundance, find inspiration, manifest your dreams, expand your consciousness, or nurture your health – there is a sacred symbol that can help you.

In this post, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of some of the most powerful symbols in sacred geometry with my “starter kit,” so you can start experiencing the benefits of these magnificent spiritual tools today.



What Is Sacred Geometry?

Geometry, by definition, connects us more closely with the planet – geo/Gaia (Mother Earth), -metry/measure. Geometric patterns symbolize devotion for many world religions. It is something all cultures can be inspired by – revered as sacred.

Sacred geometry is a beautiful dance of art, science, and...

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Mantras: Chant To Raise Your Vibration

mantras Apr 20, 2022

Mantras have been a part of my life for many years, but I only recently unlocked the full magic of this powerful practice! I have to share these discoveries with you because chanting mantras is such a simple practice that can help you raise your vibration in minutes.

Alejandro and I recently attended the Gayatri Festival, held by Grammy-nominated chant artists Deva Premal & Miten. I highly recommend listening to their beautiful music which enhances the depth and power of the mantras they chant. During the festival, for the first 40 minutes, I could not stop crying (happy crying!).

I felt I experienced the purest form of the Divine flowing through a human being. I realized the weight of the difficult emotions we are all storing inside from all that is happening in the world. I was deeply moved by how much we all need a reminder of the beauty that exists all around us.

Humanity can benefit from these healing mantras so much.

In this blog, I will be sharing all the benefits of...

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What Is Intuition And How Can I Learn To Use It?

intuition Apr 08, 2022

Have you ever felt so strongly about a situation or person in your life that it surprised you? Some people experience a “gut feeling” that they cannot shake. Others describe it as a small inner voice prompting them. Have you ever talked yourself out of following that quiet voice and then wished you would have listened?

This sense of inner knowing is called intuition.

I want to explore this important concept with you today. It is a huge part of the Quantum Medicine work I do with my clients and students and it’s something we are all capable of tapping into.

So what exactly is intuition and where does it come from? Can our intuition really be trusted to help us in our daily lives? How can we learn to listen to it?



Where Does Intuition Come From?

Does it come from the body? The mind? The soul? Let’s investigate…

Our body is a miracle, managing vital functions automatically, without a thought. The heart beats, lungs breathe, cells divide...

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From 305 to 600 in 1 Week!

If you've been following my blog posts, social media, or weekly series Vibrational Revelations, you know that my partner Alejandro and I have developed a unique testing system to read and interpret vibrational frequencies. We read a range of topics and interests: historical figures, celebrities, healing modalities, locations around the globe, modern day tech companies, and so much more.

But did you know that we have also read the vibrational frequencies and levels of consciousness for some of my own online courses and meditations?

In my 7-day course, Ignite Your Codes of Consciousness, we read the frequencies of the active participants each day, the corresponding meditations, and the live activations. As you can see from the chart below, the results were magnificent!



Vibrational Frequencies of Active Participants

  • Day 1: 305 (Willingness)
  • Day 2: 499 (Intellect)
  • Day 3: 550 (Joy)
  • Day 4: 550 (Joy)
  • Day 5: 600 (Peace)
  • Day 6: 600 (Peace)
  • Day 7: 600...
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The Dangers of Electric Cars

5g electric cars emf Mar 07, 2022

I want to share some emerging research with you and highlight some of the current concerns around electric cars to help you and your loved ones make informed decisions. While more research is needed, it’s still important to be aware that there are potential environmental, health, and safety risks associated with electric cars.

I will go into detail on each area of concern below. We will also discuss three ways you can become a wise consumer, how close-knit communities are an eco-friendly solution, and how you can join our virtual community of consciousness explorers to help raise the vibration of humanity.

The purpose of this discussion is not to judge anything or anyone as good or bad but to illuminate humanity's amazing ability to shift. I encourage you to check out the resources I’ve cited for you as well as our recent Vibrational Revelations episode on electric cars below. You will see it is well worth considering the pros and cons of electric cars and many other...

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Embrace Love Consciousness

Happy Valentine's Day to you and your loved ones from my heart to yours!

Let’s celebrate the vibrational frequency of love together by honoring and listening to our hearts.

Something very interesting has been happening around the globe… A ripple effect of love consciousness. As just a small example, the internet search query for the term “love consciousness” has reached an all-time high as of last month. There is a definite shift happening because so many of us are choosing to expand our own consciousness and share love with the world. Let’s keep the momentum going!

So how can we take the next step toward embracing love consciousness in our lives?

This blog is an invitation and a reminder to transmute fear to allow a deeper connection to love. I will explain what love consciousness is, how to transmute fear into love, and how each one of you can boost your vibrational frequency and contribute to elevating the consciousness of humanity. I’m also...

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