Are You Tired of Feeling Fatigued?

candida yeast Feb 04, 2021

Have you been feeling fatigued and spaced out, having digestive discomfort, break-outs on your face and body, itchy skin, and/or yeast infections?

From my personal experience as well as working with people for over 20 years, I am happy to share that you are not alone feeling “out of sorts”. However, finding the right steps to alleviate the symptoms and get to the root can be a very confusing journey. There is an explosion of information or mis-information online when it comes to cleanses, supplements, or products in general suggesting how to alleviate all of the above and more.

Of course there are so many factors that can make you feel sick, but today I would like to focus on one of the most common offenders: Candida Albicans.

As a Consultant Pharmacist and Fellow in Metabolic and Nutritional Medicine, I am very happy to share my expertise on how you can detect if you are truly suffering from Candida overgrowth and the appropriate nutritional support to...

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Attract Your True Soulmate

soul mate Feb 03, 2021

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 16
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Welcome to the podcast. My name is Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert. Many of you may be on an exciting journey of discovery – in search of your perfect match, your soulmate. It is a beautiful journey to find that special someone to share life with, but it is not always an easy one. However it can be a smoother path if you have some clear guidance. I am going to share with you today how my partner, Alejandro, helps our clients illuminate the path to love and attract their soulmate.

If you genuinely want to attract your True Soulmate, you are more than ready to embark on this journey and receive the ultimate gift of love. True Soulmate consists of souls that have originated from the same oversoul at the exact time. Others call this type the Twin Flame or Twin Soul. You and your True...

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Embrace Your Unique Path

life path Jan 19, 2021

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 15
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to the podcast. My name is Elena Bensonoff. I am a Quantum Medicine Expert and in my work I get to help people recognize and reconnect with their own unique life path. My desire for this podcast today is to encourage you to embrace your unique path. We all desire brighter tomorrows and the answers might just be closer than you think! I’m going to teach you some simple ways today to connect with your spirit, embrace your unique path, and develop rituals to build momentum to carry you through this year and many more to come.

In my work as a holistic healer, I have the honor of helping my clients align their body, mind, and soul. When these three parts are in harmony, transformation and change comes swiftly and is lasting. We all have things about our lives that we wish would be different. We seek to improve the health of our bodies...

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5 Cell Phone Safety Essentials

emf Jan 06, 2021

Do you know how much time you are REALLY spending on the phone?

You might be surprised by the number of cumulative hours a day you’re attached to the small screen you’re probably reading this on right now. We have become so dependent on our phones for all things work, entertainment, and interpersonal connection.

Being too attached to the cell phone is not only unhealthy, but it can also be downright dangerous. We receive high doses of harmful radiation which can lead to life-altering ailments like migraines, tissue damage, and even cancer.

That’s why I wanted to share my top recommendations for cell phone safety essentials with you. Let’s uncover why cell phones are dangerous, ways you can reduce your screen time, and how we can more safely use the cell phone when we must.



The Hidden Dangers of EMF Radiation

Cell phone technology has only been around for about two decades and the FCC regulations that cell phone companies abide by is 16 years...

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Living in the Non-Judgment Zone

judgment Jan 04, 2021

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 14
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hi there, and welcome to today’s podcast. I am your host, Elena Bensonoff. I am so glad that you chose to be here with me today, because I have a message just for you! I want to help you today step into what I Iike to call the non-judgment zone. The ability to release judgment in your life does wonders for your journey to fulfill your higher purpose - but this can become even more difficult with so many areas of life where judgment can creep in - especially social media. So let's talk about some judgment pitfalls, and how to honor your own divine path through life.



On a typical day, do you find yourself scrolling through social media almost as on auto-pilot?

Many of us use these platforms to keep in touch with friends and family, as an extension of the workplace, and even where we consume our news. Social media is a wonderful tool when...

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The Gift of Compassion

compassion Dec 18, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 13
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Welcome to the podcast - I am so pleased that you joined me here today! I am your host Elena Bensonoff. As you settle in to listen today, take a moment to relax with a few deep breaths. Inhale strength and love, and exhale worries and tension. Perfect! Now that you have connected with yourself again, let’s begin!

We are approaching the holiday season of one of the busiest and strangest years that many of us have experienced. You may be feeling the pressure to complete tasks, meet the needs of your family, or even just find time for some self care. Regardless of where you find yourself today or what your priorities are, I want to share a powerful method for spreading love and joy especially during hectic times. It is the gift of compassion. If we had one gift to give ourselves and those around us, it would be compassion. I’d like to explore today...

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2020 Reflections & Revelations

This holiday season looks and feels quite different, but let’s remember that appreciating the things that matter most is really what the holidays are all about. So, as we prepare to “hibernate” this holiday season, I wanted to take some time to reflect on what has mattered most to me in 2020…

2020 has been a year of clarity – think of it as a year of clear 20/20 vision. We have been able to take a good hard look at our lives and declutter what is no longer needed, including old patterns, beliefs, and things that don’t align. For that, I am thankful.

While it’s easy to pick out the struggles and challenges this year brought to our doorsteps, I think it’s important that we gather the things we are thankful for in our minds and write it out, like a precious gift to ourselves. It’s essential self-care!

When you have a list of positive reflections to refer to, no matter what is going on, you can read through the list and consciously...

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Facing Your Shadows to Find Joy

light Dec 08, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 12
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to the podcast. My name is Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert. Today, I am going to share with you how we can courageously face our shadows in order to live a life full of joy.

Something we need to understand is we all have a shadow side. Without darkness, there is not light. Think about the yin and yang, night and day – there is balance in all things and it’s not that a bad thing is opposing a good thing – it’s contrast that is a necessary and valuable part of our human experience.

However, many of us beat that part of ourselves down, stifle it, hide it, and regard it with contempt and shame because it is the side that we blame for feeling sad, being impulsive, lashing out, or making mistakes. But we must love every aspect of ourselves, including our...

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Trusting Your Intuition

intuition Dec 02, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 11
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to the podcast. My name is Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert. I’m so glad that you have chosen to be with me here today. On today’s episode, I’ll be giving you an introduction to your incredible inner voice – your intuition.

In my work as a holistic practitioner and teacher, I am on a mission to help my clients better understand the many aspects and layers of what makes up their reality. Sometimes we find ourselves stuck behind a curtain of illusion, bogged down in the drudge of everyday life. One of the ways I help my clients is by teaching them to tap into their intuition to break through and see the bigger picture.

Underneath the noise and the clutter in our minds, we find this beautiful shimmering part of our being. Use your imagination with me for...

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Awakening to Become a More Conscious Human

codes of consciousness Nov 09, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 10
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to the podcast. My name is Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert.

Today I have something very important to talk to you about. In a world where struggle and strife seem to be so loud, it is more important than ever that we awaken to a more conscious state and shine our lights into the darkness. In times like these, it is easy to lose track of our purpose, and remain frustrated in the noise and chaos.

You are not alone! Contemplating the way you experience reality is the first step to raising your consciousness, tapping into the wisdom of the collective consciousness, and helping to boost the consciousness of the planet!

In my work, I specialize in helping people uncover their many inner gifts and learn how to be of service to a Divine mission of spreading love and peace on Earth. Today...

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