7 Steps to Flowing through your Daily Life

flow Apr 02, 2016

Recently I have noticed a repeating pattern in all of my patients and sometimes in my own life. The pattern of being stuck in a cycle of negative thoughts, people and emotionally draining events. Huge effort is required to be aware of such patterns and to break free from being drained, in order to create the happiness and joy we desire. So much emotional energy is spent on fighting or going against such draining occurrences that one no longer has the energy to find the positive in any situation.

My job as a Quantum Medicine Practitioner is to clear blocks and guide people to discovering their light and inner wisdom and help people navigate life with flow and ease.



I would like to share with you some of the simple ways to move with grace and flow in your daily life.

1. Silence

  • One of the secrets to unlocking your daily flow is to be able to slow down and create a daily ritual of silence.
  • The reason silence is so important is that only then you can feel into your...
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Chakra Healing Relieves Anxiety

anxiety chakras healing Jan 27, 2016

Years of experience in helping patients has strengthened my trust in the transformative benefits of Chakra Clearing and Balancing sessions for a multitude of different symptoms and imbalances.

Today I want to focus on a special case.

One rainy afternoon, I received a call from a patient that I hadn’t seen in a while because of his hectic work schedule. He came into my office with extreme anxiety upon returning from weeks of business travels. His symptoms included: shortness of breath, pressure in his chest and a racing heart. His anxiety was so detrimental that he was either going to see me or go to the emergency room. I told him that he should go to the ER if he doesn’t feel better after our session.

Our health is directly correlated with how open and balanced our chakras are.

His first and fourth chakras were blocked resulting in disconnection, lack of grounding and the energetic obstruction of his heart/love center.

The Root chakra or 1st chakra is associated with our...

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Everyday Miracles: The Secret To Living A Magical Life

miracles Dec 28, 2015

The sad truth is that most of us are too preoccupied with the stresses and strains of everyday life to wonder how we might inject more magic into our days.

But what if magic wasn’t just the stuff of fairy tales? What if it didn’t have to feel fantastic or out of reach? And what if it could feel wildly fulfilling and deeply nourishing?

It’s my belief that real magic is what happens when we’re walking our soul’s path, and when we’re connected —truly connected — to the essence of who we are. That’s when our life is fuller, brighter, and more joyful.

But what if we want to experience that sort of magic every day? How do we connect to our truest self on a regular basis, or at all? And how do we begin to explore what our highest calling might be?



Here is a list of 8 things to consider:

1. Face your fears.

As a child, I knew I wanted to heal people. Healing was part of my vocabulary, even as a four­ year old....

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My Love Affair with Natural Perfume Making

perfume Nov 30, 2015

Scent has captivated me ever since I was a little girl. I reminisce fondly on the smell of flowers, blooming trees, early morning cut grass, rain, freshly washed linens after they were left outside to dry, my mother’s cooking and my father's shoulder. I vividly remember the rush of excitement when I would sneak a spritz of my mother’s favorite perfume- it was as if something magical was about to happen.

As I grew older, my infatuation with fragrances grew into a full-blown love affair. My day even feels incomplete without applying a scent as fragrance allows me to connect to my power of self-expression. Certain scents have this remarkable ability to inspire, empower, motivate, and connect to every desire and emotion. It stores warm memories in each of our cells. The experience is similar to opening up an old locket.

As a Pharmacist, the process of creation always intrigued me. My training and knowledge in the field of Integrative Medicine compelled me to create a much...

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Staying FIT ā€“ Moving Energy without Weights

energy feng shui fitness Nov 22, 2015

We had the privilege to perform Feng Shui at one of the nicest gyms, Pulse by Alejandro, in Tampa, Florida.

Alejandro Guerrero has been in the fitness and nutrition industry for many years. Training athletes, professional body builders, and many successful people who just want to stay fit and healthy.

He doubled his gym space to accommodate his clients needs and felt that performing Feng Shui would benefit not only how he would feel daily coming into his work space, but also create a supportive and healing environment for his clients.

We worked for a few hours transforming the energy and creating the space that would support Alejandro’s vision.

After our work was completed, we immediately contacted Alejandro to come back to his gym and let us know how he felt with the results.

As soon as he stepped through his front door, he said  ”WOW”. He was walking around feeling into every room and couldn’t believe that nothing physically was moved. The...

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Why is experience more important than knowledge?

exercises Nov 16, 2015

A couple of years ago, I had a revelation with a little boy in my family. When he moved from kindergarten to primary school, he had a really difficult time for the first two years adjusting to a new way of learning. In kindergarten, he was used to learning by moving his body and exploring with all five senses. He learned easily by doing and having fun. The challenge for him was learning the way teachers wanted him to learn: placed at a desk trying to absorb all of the information served to him.

After a while the learning methods began to shift. The teachers integrated techniques to guide students into α–state. The techniques were all movement exercises to guide students to their full learning potential by balancing both hemispheres of the brain – the emotional and creative, as well as the rational and logical part.

The teachers practiced those techniques during class and right before exams to help the students gain and recall their knowledge. The results were...

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Feng Shui for your Outer Balance

feng shui Nov 10, 2015

A few months ago, we had the pleasure of energetically clearing and creating a supportive environment for a beautiful family in Florida.

The family contacted us out of concern that something in their newly acquired home (more than 100 years old) was making them feel uncomfortable.

The first and most important step for us before performing Feng Shui is always speaking and hearing the concerns of both parties, and any other family members that are residing in the home. We always want to respect the feelings of the people living in the house and the environment that we work in, to assure all is flowing and supporting each other.

One of their concerns was that their young children refused to play in their rooms and had a difficult time sleeping there. They complained that they felt someone in their space without really seeing anyone physically present.

Another concern was that their dog was growling from the stairs in the direction of the upper floors as if someone was always there.


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DIY Soul Rescue Seminar

DIY First-Aid Soul Rescue seminar was an incredible experience for all who attended and also a true gift for me to share.

In the first part of the seminar, we covered theory and how historically science and spirituality went through many shifts and now both are finally coming together again.

We explored the idea of being in charge of our actions, reactions, emotions and what we perceive as our own reality. And that we are not governed by our genes and our environment.

Instead we are powerful creators!

In the second part of the seminar, we learned how to balance both sides of our brain and integrated all of the necessary tools to test and release what is truly blocking us and keeping us from achieving our own happiness and success.

At the very end we had a fire ceremony, which supported the process of releasing and transforming aspects that no longer belonged to us. 

“Happiness is when… what you think, what you say, what you do and who you are... are in...

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