Top 5 Hormone Disruptors To Avoid

health hormones wellness Apr 26, 2023

Have you ever wondered why you get tired in the evening? Or what causes your body to surge with adrenaline in stressful situations?

Your body is complex and unique just like you!

One of the small but mighty aspects of your anatomy that contributes to these symptoms is the endocrine system. Your body’s endocrine system is a network of glands that release hormones into your bloodstream. Hormones are chemical messengers that tell your organs what to do.

Hormones help regulate:

  • Metabolism
  • Stress
  • Mood
  • Energy levels
  • Sleep
  • Immunity
  • Fertility
  • Cellular growth and repair

When your body is healthy and balanced, your hormones and organs work together to support you in feeling your best. However, when the endocrine system is thrown out of balance by endocrine disruptors, your body is subject to hormonal dysregulation which results in a variety of challenging symptoms.

Let’s take a closer look at what endocrine disruptors are, the top 5 endocrine disruptors to watch out for, 10 easy...

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5 Ways Quitting Alcohol Transforms Your Health

alcohol brain health wellness Apr 18, 2023

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 40
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to the Wholistic Living Podcast. I am your host Elena Bensonoff. I’ve devoted my life’s work to helping people like you rediscover their inner healer and cultivate optimal health by addressing the entire being: body, mind, and soul.

I’m so grateful to be here with you today as we continue the Be the Hero of Your Health Series. Today, we will talk about the dangers of alcohol and its link with devastating brain diseases like dementia and Alzheimer's. It is truly the “blue pill” that takes away your power and even causes permanent damage to your DNA. Then, we will chat about ways to have alcohol-free fun and the 5 major ways quitting alcohol transforms your health.



Overview of the Problem

Alcohol is everywhere you look in our society. There’s happy hour with coworkers, wine with dinner,...

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Discover the Mystical 1000 Frequency

egypt frequency Apr 17, 2023

Alejandro and I have recently embarked on a soul-stirring journey to Egypt, forever altering the essence of our beings. Egypt's enigmatic allure has long bewitched the hearts and souls of those who delve into its ancient narratives, captivating films, documentaries, and awe-inspiring discoveries.

Our pioneering use of Scalar Wave technology to assess vibrational frequencies at sacred sites has gifted us with profound wisdom into the concealed energies harbored within these timeless wonders.



The Great Pyramid of Giza

An emblem of mystery and knowledge, The Great Pyramid of Giza stands as the most scrutinized and enigmatic structure on Earth. Its architectural mastery, intricate design, and mathematical marvels have enchanted the intellects of scholars throughout history.

Discover these lesser-known truths about the Great Pyramid that may astonish you:

  • No mummy or corpse has ever been found within its chambers.
  • Apart from the disputed red paint graffiti...
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Why Wholistic Quantum Medicine is The Future of Healthcare

quantum healer Apr 12, 2023

In this blog post, we explore why Wholistic Quantum Medicine is the future of healthcare and how you can support health seekers on their journey to holistic healing.

Healthcare is often viewed as a largely conventional journey; however, with the emergence of new technologies, innovative treatments and advances in medical science there is more to modern healthcare than meets the eye. Wholistic Quantum Medicine (WQM) presents us with an utterly revolutionary proposition for a shift towards holistic healing on a quantum level. Not only does WQM take into consideration personal wellness fundamentals and physiological functioning, but it can also assist people in enhancing their overall quality of life - from mental clarity to improved physical performance or chronic relief from illnesses. Supporting health seekers along this path can be highly rewarding if implemented correctly – but why should we even consider it? In this blog post, let’s explore why WQM could very well...

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Astrology vs Vibrational Frequency Analysis: Uncover the Secrets of Soulmate Compatibility

astrology relationships Apr 05, 2023


Is your destiny written in the stars?

Curious minds turn to systems like astrology to explain the mysteries of life.

If you think of astrology as the language of the personality, then vibrational frequencies are the language of the soul. This language can seem strange if you are new to exploring reality with an energy-based system.

Today I want to explore how a vibrational frequency analysis is similar to astrology, how the two systems are different, and how both can be consulted to help you find your soulmate.

If you have been intrigued by astrology and the potential to uncover secrets about yourself and your relationship, keep reading! You’ll quickly see how a vibrational frequency analysis can take your journey of self-discovery to a whole new level.



What is Astrology?

If you’ve been captivated by astrology, your interest probably stemmed from that inner knowing that there is more to life than what meets the eye…

Astrology is the study of...

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5 Ways To Support Your Mitochondria For Healthy Aging

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 39
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to the Wholistic Living Podcast. My name is Elena. In this episode of the Be The Hero Of Your Health series, we will be talking about the power of mitochondria. Every hero has a special power. I’m excited to tell you why your mitochondria are the secret power that helps you achieve healthy aging and chronic illness prevention. I want to share some little-known facts about this organelle to help you understand its role in your longevity so you can actively work to improve the health and efficiency of your mitochondria.

First up, I’ll share the basics of the role your mitochondria play in the body. Then we will discuss what happens when this important energy powerhouse malfunctions. Finally, I’ll reveal 5 ways you can boost your mitochondrial function.



Overview Of Mitochondria

  • Mitochondria are the “energy...

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The 4 Pillars of Wholistic Living: Scientifically Proven Techniques For Vibrant Health

health wellness Mar 22, 2023

What does it mean to live Wholistically?

You know YOU are the healer you’ve been looking for and you take responsibility for the fact that your whole being – body, mind, and soul, needs love and care!

If you’ve been feeling unwell, stressed, or fatigued lately – it’s time to take a closer look at your lifestyle from a Wholistic perspective.

I like to break it down into…

The 4 Pillars of Wholistic Living:

  1. Your Physical Body
  2. Your Intelligent Mind
  3. Your Divine Soul
  4. Your Sacred Environment

Each of these key areas must be adequately nurtured for you to experience vibrant health and happiness! 

There’s a robust body of scientific research that supports Wholistic techniques! Let’s take a look at some of the most impactful, proven techniques you can easily incorporate into your lifestyle to benefit all 4 pillars.



1. Your Physical Body

Diet: Your body will feel the best when you nourish it with a variety of...

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What You Should Know About Breast Implant Illness

health wellness Mar 17, 2023

Physical appearance can be closely linked to a person’s sense of identity, self-esteem, and confidence. The choice to undergo a breast augmentation has been one of the leading surgical options geared toward restoring a woman’s sense of beauty and self-worth.

The surgical removal of breast implants, also known as “explant surgery,” is growing in popularity because hundreds of thousands of women who opted for implants in past years are now suffering from “Breast Implant Illness.”

In this blog, I’m sharing everything you need to know about breast implant illness (BII), what you can do if you believe you could be suffering from BII, and 3 simple ways to boost your confidence and connect with your innate beauty.  



Risks Of Breast Augmentation

In January, I was a guest on the WFLA News Channel 8 show, Bloom. I was interviewed about my experience helping women regain their health after suffering from BII. You can watch the...

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The Top 3 Health Benefits of Kimchi

health wellness Mar 08, 2023

If you've never had kimchi before, you're missing out on not only a delicious dish but also a whole host of health benefits. Kimchi is a traditional Korean dish made with salted and fermented vegetables. It typically contains cabbage and seasonings like sugar, salt, onions, garlic, ginger, and chili peppers. But the list of ingredients isn't what makes kimchi so good for you; it's the fermentation process.

During fermentation, lactobacilli bacteria grow and multiply. These are the same types of probiotics that are found in yogurt, sauerkraut, and other fermented foods. Probiotics are beneficial to your health in many ways. They can boost your immune system, reduce inflammation, and even protect against colon cancer.

Let's take a closer look at each of these health benefits in turn...



Benefit 1: Boosts Your Immune System

One of the most well-known benefits of probiotics is that they can help boost your immune system. And since kimchi is packed with probiotics, it...

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The Shocking Link Between Charcuterie and Cancer

health wellness Feb 28, 2023

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 37
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to today’s Wholistic Living podcast. My name is Elena Bensonoff and I’m honored to be here with you today and share some tips on how to improve your health and wellness in every area of your life.

On today's episode of the Be the Hero of Your Health series, we will talk about the link between charcuterie and cancer. You must be the hero of your own health when popular trends like charcuterie boards are everywhere and no one is discussing the risks! Let’s dive in to the problems with charcuterie ingredients including some serious chronic illnesses, then we will look at some exciting charcuterie alternatives to offer at your next event as well as the benefits of making the switch!



The Problem With Charcuterie

Did you know that your Pinterest-worthy charcuterie board spread may be putting you at higher risk for...

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