Embrace Your Emotions To Boost Your Health!

emotions meditation Oct 27, 2020

Do you wish you could overcome emotional blocks and experience vibrant health on all levels?

What if I told you those two goals can be achieved together? The wellbeing of your mind and your body are intricately connected!

Shifting your emotional reality to resonate at higher levels of consciousness starts from the inside out. The shift begins with recognizing and embracing your emotions with complete authenticity. Then, the benefits of embracing your emotions will flow into your physical health!

Read on to learn the power of embracing your emotions, understand how your emotional and physical health are linked, and discover how to shift your emotional state to contribute to the health of your whole being.



Embrace The Rain Clouds, Then Let The Sun Shine Through

Emotions are as diverse and ever-changing as the weather.

We often carry emotions with us from past experiences. Traumatic or negative emotions can overwhelm our senses and prevent us from seeing any hope of...

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Embodying Your Light

light Oct 26, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 9
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to the podcast. My name is Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert.

Supporting people to heal from within and discover their own light is my greatest reward. These times we are in can seem overwhelmingly dark. The good news is that we all have light within us that can help us overcome the darkness. Today, I want to talk with you about what it means to embody the light. We will learn why the world desperately needs you to shine your light and how you can embody the light to shine from within and out into the world.



On our planet Earth, the transmission of sunlight to the surface of the planet is vital to our survival.

Our human bodies use the sunlight to produce Vitamin D. Without this nutrient, our mood can suffer, and our bones are at risk of becoming brittle and...

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Awaken Your Wholistic Healer Meditation

meditation Oct 24, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 8
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff


Welcome. Today, I want to inspire each and every one of you and help you perhaps recognize that every one of you holds this incredibly powerful, magical ability... And that ability is to heal yourself.

The healing does not exist outside of self. It is something that every person has inside.



We're going to bring the light and reconnect to Awakening Your Wholistic Healer.

So let's begin.

First, relax your face, all of your facial muscles, your scalp, your neck, anywhere where there is a tension in your body. I'd like for you to imagine that it's beginning to melt and drift away.

You are in charge of your health. And every emotion that you experience is there for you as your most powerful messenger to allow you to tap in to your innate ability of healing yourself.

So let's focus on our breath... inhaling on six... and exhaling on six. Just gently...

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The Power of Breathwork

breathwork Sep 25, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 7
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff


Hello and welcome. I am so honored to have you with me today. My name is Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert. Today I wanted to introduce you to the amazing power of breathwork. I will explain why breathwork is essential to your wellness and show you how easy it is to incorporate into your daily routine.

My background is in traditional medicine. I worked as a pharmacist and came to realize how overmedicated people are, and the root cause of their illness was often left a mystery because the pills masked all their symptoms – and true healing could not happen. I left that field behind for the path of Quantum Medicine, because I learned that we are all energy beings - everything around us is energy – all is connected by vibrational frequencies, all connected to one another on a soul-level...

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Natural Anxiety Relief

anxiety Sep 24, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 6
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff


Hello, I am so thankful that you are here for this podcast episode. My name is Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert. Today we cover a very important topic – we will discuss natural anxiety relief. I will explain why anxiety management is important and also give you some of my favorite natural anxiety remedies.



When your mind is feeling “off,” it becomes difficult to lead a normal life.

Chronic anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders can be completely debilitating.

Since cognitive and emotional symptoms can’t be easily “proven,” it’s often incredibly difficult to get answers or effective solutions from your healthcare team (other than the usual mind-numbing, symptom-suppressing prescription).

An astounding amount of people come to me because...

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Discover Your Manifestation Superpower

manifesting Sep 23, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 5
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff


Welcome to the podcast. I am Elena Bensonoff, Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert. In today’s episode, I’ll be your host and guide on the topic of manifestation. I will help you discover what manifestation can look like in your own life, and give you some ideas to begin manifesting your dreams into reality.



We all have an idea of the life we would love to see manifest.

It comes to us when we’re daydreaming, feeling inspired, or simply unsatisfied with our current situation. The ideal situation looks different for each of us. We want to meet our soulmate, land the dream job, or finally travel the world.

The dream scenarios can change throughout our lives, especially as our perspectives shift and we have new experiences. These desires are our little miracles, our “why” in life.


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Activating Your Soul Connection

intuition soul Sep 17, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 4
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff


Welcome to the podcast. My name is Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert. In today’s episode, I will explain how you can nurture a deep relationship to a very special part of you – your soul. We will discuss what the soul is and I will share some ways to activate your healthiest, happiest life on a soul-level.

Understanding who you are at the soul level is the first step towards being able to confidently make new choices in alignment with who you really are. Your soul is not separate from your body. You are an energy being as well as a physical being.



Activating on a soul-level begins with understanding energetic frequencies.

These vibrations are constantly pulsing around us and within us. From the subtle electric currents sending information through our brains, to the powerful waves...

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Transforming Your Life Through the Practice of Meditation

meditation Sep 17, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 3
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff


Hello, and welcome. I’m Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert. I am so excited to talk to you about transforming your life through the practice of meditation.

In this episode, you will learn how you can benefit from having a daily meditation practice, and give you easy steps to begin incorporating meditation into your schedule, no matter how busy you are!

When I was preparing to speak to you about this, I was thinking about how overwhelming and hectic our lives can become, and I reflected on how incredible meditation is when I feel myself becoming overwhelmed or getting irritable towards those I love. Meditation is truly a solution and your greatest ally when you feel it is time to reset and recalibrate your state of being.

Research continues to show meditation is one of the simplest ways to...

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The Top 8 Elements of Intuition

intuition Sep 14, 2020

Intuition is a mysterious and powerful aspect of our existence.

It is an inner knowing - a unique way of processing information that can seem almost magical. This gift that all of us have access to has been discussed for millennia. In history and legend, it is often referred to as “a sixth sense,” “second sight,” a premonition, or a gut-feeling.

Your intuition is that little voice that prompts you with insights and a “knowingness” throughout your day. The voice can be a quiet whisper. Other times it takes the form of a big idea that manifests in your mind out of nowhere. Sometimes it is a loud voice or a heavy gut feeling that you just cannot seem to shake.

Intuition helps us navigate our lives with valuable Divine guidance that improves our ability to make good choices and avoid mishaps.

There are 8 elements of intuition that I’d like to share with you to help you harness this special gift. By understanding each element, you will be able to...

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Energy Healing

energy healing Sep 14, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 2
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff


Hello, I am Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert. In today’s episode, we will discuss the incredible power of Quantum Medicine.

We are going to dive deep into how energy healing is the medicine of the future that addresses the whole person - body, mind, and soul.



But first, it’s important to understand the dangers of the current medical system...

This system is contributing to widespread chronic illness by ignoring the energetic aspect and focusing on suppressing symptoms rather than addressing the root cause of illness – which is often energetic in nature.

Did you know that 55% of Americans regularly take prescription medications? More than 30% are on drugs associated with depression. We are crying out for relief, but our calls are falling on a broken...

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