If you've been following my blog posts, social media, or weekly series Vibrational Revelations, you know that my partner Alejandro and I have developed a unique testing system to read and interpret vibrational frequencies. We read a range of topics and interests: historical figures, celebrities, healing modalities, locations around the globe, modern day tech companies, and so much more.
But did you know that we have also read the vibrational frequencies and levels of consciousness for some of my own online courses and meditations?
In my 7-day course, Ignite Your Codes of Consciousness, we read the frequencies of the active participants each day, the corresponding meditations, and the live activations. As you can see from the chart below, the results were magnificent!
I want to share some emerging research with you and highlight some of the current concerns around electric cars to help you and your loved ones make informed decisions. While more research is needed, it’s still important to be aware that there are potential environmental, health, and safety risks associated with electric cars.
I will go into detail on each area of concern below. We will also discuss three ways you can become a wise consumer, how close-knit communities are an eco-friendly solution, and how you can join our virtual community of consciousness explorers to help raise the vibration of humanity.
The purpose of this discussion is not to judge anything or anyone as good or bad but to illuminate humanity's amazing ability to shift. I encourage you to check out the resources I’ve cited for you as well as our recent Vibrational Revelations episode on electric cars below. You will see it is well worth considering the pros and cons of electric cars and many other...
Happy Valentine's Day to you and your loved ones from my heart to yours!
Let’s celebrate the vibrational frequency of love together by honoring and listening to our hearts.
Something very interesting has been happening around the globe… A ripple effect of love consciousness. As just a small example, the internet search query for the term “love consciousness” has reached an all-time high as of last month. There is a definite shift happening because so many of us are choosing to expand our own consciousness and share love with the world. Let’s keep the momentum going!
So how can we take the next step toward embracing love consciousness in our lives?
This blog is an invitation and a reminder to transmute fear to allow a deeper connection to love. I will explain what love consciousness is, how to transmute fear into love, and how each one of you can boost your vibrational frequency and contribute to elevating the consciousness of humanity. I’m also...
You may have just discovered our Vibrational Revelations episodes on Youtube or maybe you were drawn to join our private online membership community. Either way, you probably have many questions and curiosities!
I wanted to create a blog that could be a one-stop reference guide for understanding how we do what we do and why we do what we do with vibrational frequency readings. Whether you want to learn all there is to know or simply brush up on a particular area - the following information will help you.
These are the topics we will be diving into:
In 2018, my partner Alejandro and I answered the Divine call to help raise the vibration of the human collective by creating a safe space where people...
Pages 1-6 of Mary Magdalene’s gospel are missing…
It is no mystery what probably happened to those precious pages. Many voices have been silenced and erased from history by institutions and people that value power over unity.
However, Mary Magdalene’s gospel has not vanished for those of us who are ready to see with the eye of the heart. The lessons she has to share with those who are open to receive it could fill volumes and volumes of text. She has so much Divine wisdom, love, and light to share with us.
This year, I feel Mary Magdalene's presence more than ever. I believe she is coming through to us in 2022 to help us understand that raising your vibration is not about changing and becoming someone new. It’s about accessing the vision of the heart to look within and see the Divinity that has always been part of you. It’s time to partner with Mary Magdalene to access and integrate profound, heart-centered wisdom.
In this blog, we will be taking a...
Happy New Year!
The new year has a special energy of pure potential so I wanted to craft the first blog of 2022 to give you some guidance on where to focus your energy to have the best year yet. To do that, we look to the Divine signs all around us.
We will be exploring the Chinese zodiac sign and element for 2022 - discovering 5 ways to embrace your inner Water Tiger. We will also take a look at the numerology forecast for the year. Don't miss the info about my upcoming in-person class at the end of the blog!
Before we look at where we are going, let’s reflect on where we have been. We are coming out of the year of the Ox. When you reflect on your year, can you pick out any ox-like themes?
Maybe slow moving, strong, deliberate, steadfast, or prudent come to mind. It was certainly a year to “keep calm and carry on,” step by step, sometimes feeling the weight of the world on our shoulders. It was a year to rebuild or simply...
I hope you are having a happy, healthy holiday season!
As another intense year comes to a close, I want to take some time to address the collective shadow we are all experiencing. We have seen the depths of darkness and separation on a worldwide scale. Everything we have been going through as a collective has been bringing the shadow aspects of humanity to light.
We are at the beginning of a great shift in collective vibrational frequency. Something special has been awakening in each of our hearts for a long time. It's important to address what it will take for each person to move from a state of fear to love, because that is the effort it will take for us to remember and reclaim our Divinity. It's time to transmute our trauma, unite, and choose the path of love!
In this blog, we will examine:
Certain places on planet Earth resonate mysterious and sacred. These special sites draw attention from scientists, researchers, spiritual seekers, and storytellers from around the globe.
People visit and study sacred sites to feel the powerful energy, pay respect to ancestors, and find special significance in the magnificent.
Mount Shasta in Northern California has been one of these magnetic places that continues to draw in visitors and knowledge seekers, yet it remains shrouded in mystery and lore.
The steep snow covered mountain peak of Mount Shasta rises above a volcanic landscape. It’s presence is a reminder of how little we know for certain of the inner workings of our world and the history that sculpted the planet we call home.
This Sacred Site Blog will be an exploration of Mount Shasta and the ancient Lemurians. We will learn about the location and natural history, myths and legends of the mountain that involve paranormal encounters and the ancient people of Lemuria,...
I recently attended a seminar held by Dr. Pamela Smith, author of Max Your Immunity, all about Covid-19 and ways you can support your immune system to fight off illness. I wanted to share some of the valuable information with you, because it is information that can actually help you prevent or treat inflammation in the body from other causes as well.
More research is needed, but a solid foundation of research on this topic is being built. Keep in mind that the best approach is an individualized approach to treatment, but I am sharing protocols and advice that should be helpful in a general way for many people.
In this blog, I will be discussing the importance of gut health when it comes to preventing and treating inflammatory conditions like Covid-19. We will address stress and its impact on the immune system and gut health, how Covid-19 affects the balance of the gut microbiome, and how probiotics and prebiotics can reduce inflammation in the body and mitigate Covid-19 symptoms.
Creativity is the Divine force that exists within each human being.
Tapping into this sacred part of your soul is one of the most effective ways to raise your vibration. In our Vibrational Frequency Analysis sessions, we always reference how increasing the creativity frequency can help shift all the numbers in a person's chart.
That's why I'm sharing the top 5 ways you can unlock your Divine Creativity and spark a positive shift in your life. It's time to remove your creative blocks and have fun exploring this magical aspect of yourself!
We are programmed to judge what we create against what other people create from a young age at school, with siblings, etc. It’s important to understand that what you manifest with your creativity doesn't have to be ‘perfect’ or fit within set guidelines by other people's standards.
Here is an affirmation you can repeat when judgment of your creativity starts to creep in. This will...
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