Is Your Brain on Fire?

brain inflammation Dec 02, 2019

When your mind is feeling “off,” it becomes difficult to lead a normal life. Chronic anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders can be completely debilitating.

Since cognitive and emotional symptoms can’t be easily “proven,” it’s often incredibly difficult to get answers or effective solutions from your healthcare team (other than the usual mind-numbing, symptom-suppressing prescription).

An astounding amount of people come to me for sessions because they experience those issues or other cognitive disfunctions like unexplainable fatigue, memory loss, or brain fog that takes a toll on their relationships, career, and overall quality of existence.

What if I told you, all those conditions could be linked back to inflammation?



The Fire Often Starts in the "Second Brain"

The gut microbiome is often called our “second brain,” and it’s the first area that must be addressed when making efforts to reduce inflammation...

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Raise Your Vibration to Strengthen Your Immune System!

energy meditation vibration Oct 26, 2019

With the hustle and bustle of the holidays and another Mercury retrograde coming up (October 31-November 20!), stress levels can skyrocket and immune systems can take a plunge. That’s why I want to provide you with simple tips and tools to help you raise your vibration.

First, let’s develop a basic understanding of the human energy field…



Why is raising your vibration important?

Every one of us is surrounded by a powerful energetic field that vibrates at a specific optimal frequency.

Many things influence the field, but we are going to focus on how high-vibrational and low-vibrational emotions affect it. Take a look at the image below to get a better idea of which emotions are high-vibe and which are low-vibe.

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As you can see, when you experience emotions like flow, bliss, and harmony – the high frequency strengthens and supports a healthy and balanced energetic field. Think of tuning into a crystal-clear radio...

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Balance Your Energy Field in 3 Simple Steps

chakras energy healing Oct 14, 2019

Elena Bensonoff is an author, teacher, and pioneer in the field of functional, regenerative, and Quantum Medicine – sharing her intuitive gifts with the world through her company, Wholistic Inc, for over 20 years.

All too often, “perfectly healthy” people are plagued with ailments like chronic pain, fatigue, and depression. Despite restricted diets, plenty of exercise, immune system boosting supplements, and other preventative practices – these issues continue to crop up. What could be the cause?

There is an invisible force that must be investigated to pinpoint the root cause of these mystery illnesses – a powerful part of our anatomy that has the greatest impact on our wellbeing: the energy field.



Your energy field is the essence of your consciousness.

For context, if your conscious and subconscious mind are an iceberg, the energy field would be the whole ocean around it. It’s the powerful invisible force that surrounds you and...

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The Dangers of Mind-Altering Substances and Ceremonies

Many on their spiritual quest choose to use mind-altering substances hoping to enjoy a mystic experience.

I want to spread awareness of the dangerous and dark side of these substances. This is especially important now that these so called “ceremonies” are branching out from their cultural origins and becoming an apparent mainstream trend.

What people need to understand is that these substances open you up to psychic realms where you can become victims to low vibrational and powerful spirit attachments. In this state, you are vulnerable to entities that are floating around waiting to consume your light.

There are reports of people having psychotic breakdowns and even committing suicide after a ceremony when they try to re-integrate into normal life.

A sign that this has occurred is the person wandering aimlessly, spacing out, disconnected, anxious, depressed, migraines, restless nights, feeling fatigued with no explanation after participating in a ceremony. This is known...

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Why Prayer is the Ultimate Security System

prayer Jun 05, 2019

Are you ready to discover how to embrace trust in a chaotic world?

In the midst of uncertainty and unpredictability, security is a constant concern - especially when it comes to our homes. Even with top of the line security systems and cameras you can check from your mobile device – it can still be difficult to sleep peacefully without worry creeping in. You’re probably familiar with just how exhausting and disruptive living in constant “defense-mode” can be.

I’m sharing this post to help you embrace prayer as the ultimate “additional measure” when it comes to home security. Prayer acts as a bridge, connecting the uncertainty of life with faith through a stabilizing and reassuring practice. It’s a surefire way to connect to your Divine “security team” so you can feel safe enough to sleep peacefully and go about your days without chronic worry.

Read on to find out how prayer can remind you of the beautiful support system you...

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Healing The Source Of Mystery Illness

illness May 29, 2019

Do you suffer from chronic illness, pain, or other miserable health challenges that medical professionals are unable to explain?

Does the cycle of examination and medication by doctor after doctor seem like a hopeless waste of your time and money?

The search for answers can be exhausting as mystery symptoms continue to take over...

Where do you turn for a solution?

When the medical system fails you, you can’t help but feel the burdensome weight of helplessness, sadness, lack of hope, and even anger. If you have experienced this kind of suffering and thought, “there must be a better way”, you’re right.



Let Your Symptoms Speak

It may seem like a radical solution, but letting your pain or other symptoms speak instead of muting them will help you understand what your body has been trying to tell you. To create lasting change - we must not ignore the messages that are trying to come through. We have to be brave enough to take responsibility for...

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Why Natural Healing Is The New β€œCure”

healing May 29, 2019

We have learned to depend on pills to continue performing at top levels and alter our emotional state even when we know we aren’t feeling well. Illness is marketed and sold by big pharmaceutical companies that want to get people hooked on “quick-fixes.” Yet we wake up day after day feeling worse than the day before. Where is the cure that we have been promised?

It is critical to recognize the danger of prescription drugs as a cure-all. A quick-fix is not the answer. Luckily, there are answers that will help you start your journey of reclaiming long-lasting health in all areas of your life. Let’s start by exploring the difference between a “cure” and true healing...



The Danger Zone

Did you know that 55 percent of Americans regularly take prescription medication? More than 30 percent are on drugs associated with depression. We are crying out for relief, but our calls are falling on a broken system.

The rate of prescriptions per capita...

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Is This The Medicine Of The Future?

medicine May 29, 2019

There is a major shift happening all around us in the wellness world. Many of us who have suffered from a mystery illness, aches, and pains have put our trust in treatments and medications that are designed to mute the symptoms. The standard of care has been to eliminate the signs that something is off balance, so we can move on with our lives and ignore the issue.

Some might say that listening to the body is a waste of time when there are pills to mask every symptom under the sun. As a clinical pharmacist, I’ve seen that world - and it’s not pretty. Even the “top-shelf” prescriptions and over-the-counter (OTC) drugs have massive down-sides and lists of side-effects long enough to make your head spin (sometimes literally). Not only that, the ingredients in these pills leech essential minerals and vitamins from your body!



The Massive Side-Effects of Today’s “Top-Shelf” Meds

Check out this top 10 list of prescription and OTC...

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Is Sugar Making You Sick?

disease health sugar Mar 18, 2019

Have you made the decision to pursue a healthier lifestyle, only to find yourself failing to give up your favorite sweets time and time again?

Have you felt powerless in the attempt to give up sugar? If so, you are not alone.

Not only is sugar a hard habit to kick, but it could be damaging your health, causing mystery symptoms, and making you sick in ways you don’t realize.

In this post, we’ll explore the dangerous reality of sugar addiction and the many debilitating health conditions influenced by excess sugar intake. You’ll be empowered with the information you need to finally eliminate sugar from your diet. I also recommend a few of my personal favorite natural sweeteners that will nourish your body and help you to give up sugar for good!



Sugar Addiction is Very Real…

Have you ever thought that your struggle to give up sugar was beyond your control? It might sound extreme to compare sugar to drugs like cocaine or heroin. However, research...

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The Dark Side of Plastic Surgery: A Perspective on Beauty

aging Mar 12, 2019

Aging is defined by the passage of time. The way our bodies respond to time is an inevitable side effect of our journey on Earth. Our environment and genetic expression come into play. Some aspects can be improved through diet, exercise, and nurturing our hearts and minds. Yet the truth remains: we all age, and our bodies eventually will tell the story.

When I think about aging, I see a grandmother’s beautiful hands. They tell the story of years gardening in the sunshine, coaxing life from the soil, and providing sustenance for her family. Her hands are strong from protecting children and guiding them on their way. Veins stand out clearly, like a living map, leading straight to a heart that has known sorrow and love through the years. She is delicate yet fierce. She is wisdom embodied in an earthen vessel.

For some women, the concept of aging comes loaded with fear and apprehension. We fear aches and pains. We fear the loss of beauty as our faces become wrinkled and our bodies...

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