Raising Your Vibrational Awareness

frequency vibration Sep 09, 2020

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 1
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff


Hello, I am Elena Bensonoff – Quantum Medicine Practitioner, clinical pharmacist, and Health Expert. In today’s episode, I am going to help you learn how to increase your vibrational awareness.

Many people come to me for help when they feel stuck on their wellness journey. Many seemingly healthy people are plagued with ailments like chronic pain, fatigue, and depression. Despite their efforts with restricted diets, exercise, immune system boosting supplements, or other preventative practices – frustrating mystery symptoms may continue to crop up.

If that sounds familiar, you’ve come to the right place to learn how tuning in to your energetic vibration could be the solution.



First, let me help you understand what I mean by vibrational awareness...

Every being is surrounded by a powerful energetic field that vibrates at a certain...

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3 Natural Ways to Soothe Asthma Symptoms

If you struggle with asthma, you know how much the wheezing, breathlessness, chest tightness, and coughing episodes can affect your life. It feels like your lungs are under attack.

Sometimes they truly are, because environmental factors can make symptoms worse in conditions like allergic asthma and seasonal asthma. Some types of asthma don’t manifest until later in life like adult-onset asthma and some are situational like occupational asthma and exercise-induced asthma.

No matter what type you suffer from, I can empathize from personal experience. I know how frustrating it can be to live with this condition and suffer for years with no long-term answers. Luckily, you have choices when it comes to managing and even overcoming this disease.

That’s why I’ve decided to share the struggles I went through and the ultimate path to natural healing with you! Read on to hear my story and to learn how diet, supplements, and breathing techniques can soothe asthma symptoms!


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It's Time To Shift Your Frequency!

services Jul 30, 2020

Are you feeling stuck in areas of your life due to negative thoughts or emotions?

Do you feel a “disconnect” between your mind and your heart?

Are there any emotions that feel locked within you or seem blocked from flowing through you?

These are all signs that your vibrational frequency is suffering. Luckily, there are steps you can take to release what is no longer serving you and find balance again.

I’m reaching out to give you insight into why your vibrational frequency is important, what each frequency level means, and what you can do to shift it into alignment with your highest and best expression of self (including an exciting BRAND NEW service I’m offering!)


Get to Know Your Vibrational Frequency

When we are stuck in any area of life, we are unable to tap into our full potential. Everything seems so hard and full of roadblocks. Joy feels like a distant figment of our imagination. Sometimes we don’t even know why we feel blocked.

I have...

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Are Food Sensitivities Sabotaging Your Health?

digestion gut May 11, 2020

Could the solution to your health struggles be as simple as changing your diet?

Your gut health directly influences how your body functions and feels. The effects can be extreme when your diet is unknowingly wreaking havoc on your gut and causing inflammation in the body.

One of the most common causes? An unidentified food sensitivity!

In this blog, I reveal why gut health is so important and share a simple “self-testing” technique to help you pinpoint your food sensitivities. Then, we’ll explore steps you can take to heal your gut.

I’m also gifting you The Ultimate Guide for Healthy Digestion, for free!

Download Now



Why is Gut Health Important?

In your gut, you have a “microbiome,” an internal ecosystem hosting trillions of microorganisms. All of them play an important role in your health.

Your gut microbiome is involved in nutrient absorption, digestion, elimination, energy levels, hormone metabolism, and more. When an imbalance...

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Your Wholistic Guide to Consciousness!

consciousness Apr 30, 2020

Do you ever wish you could feel more present and aware in your life?

You are not alone! The topic of consciousness has inspired many spiritual leaders, philosophers, and neuroscientists to craft complex theories and experiments to try to uncover its mysteries.

Contemplating the way you experience reality is the first step to raising your consciousness, tapping into the wisdom of the collective consciousness, and helping to boost the consciousness of the planet!

Let’s dive into a “user-friendly guide” to consciousness. Uncover your many inner gifts and learn to be of service to a Divine mission of spreading love and peace on Earth.

Read on to harness your ability to shift your consciousness level and cultivate a deep oneness with the world around you!

Ready to Shift Your Consciousness?


What is Consciousness?

In short, consciousness is the ability to perceive and interact with a flow of energy or information and shift behavior in response. It is an awareness...

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Natural Healing for Digestive Issues

digestion gut Apr 27, 2020

Have you ever suffered from painful or embarrassing digestive distress?

It’s one of those things that we all go through at some point and just “deal with.” However, when the issue evolves from a rare inconvenience to a chronic condition – it should not be taken lightly.

There’s much more going on behind the scenes than excusing yourself to visit the restroom for the umpteenth time or canceling plans… living with untreated chronic digestive issues can result in severe health complications!

Many suffer silently, thinking these ailments are just a normal part of life or a side effect of aging. There is hope!

Read on to discover some of the major causes of digestive issues and what you can do to stop digestive distress before it starts.

My “Do’s and Don’ts” list will get you started on the right track to support and optimize your digestion. I’m also gifting you a free download of The Ultimate Guide for Healthy Digestion!...

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Become the CEO of Your Health!

health wellness Apr 23, 2020

Have you ever felt like you weren’t in control of your health?

As someone who spent years as a pharmacist - I have seen the powerlessness people experience when they give control of their health over to pills, “quick-fixes,” and people in white coats.

Nagging symptoms or mystery illness often break people down to the point of feeling there is no hope of recovery.

After years working in the field of Energy Medicine and helping people who felt beyond hope find their way back to health, I can tell you there is a better way! You can awaken your inner healing abilities and take charge of your life.

It’s time to become the CEO of your health!

Read on to learn why it’s so important to manage your body’s “company resources” and how to dedicate yourself to a multi-level mission for vibrant health. I’m also sharing an exclusive “CEO Meeting” meditation and The Ultimate Guide for Healthy Digestion with you!

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One Breath at a Time

The state of our world is causing a lot of stress and unrest right now. The COVID-19 updates flood in constantly. However, I’m here to tell you that immersing yourself in fear-based rhetoric for hours a day is not healthy!

Instead of getting sucked in to checking on how much worse things have gotten, I want to challenge you to tune out of the news and tune in to your wellbeing.

The first step is to shift your mindset to consider that COVID-19 is here to activate a deeper understanding across the collective of how connected we all truly are.

By impacting the entire globe, this pandemic is ultimately creating unity.

Let’s embrace this time and space as a cocoon of transformation to do important inner work and reconnect to our highest selves.

We are all in this together!

To help you focus on taking care of yourself, I’m gifting you with The Ultimate Guide for Healthy Digestion! This guide will open your eyes to the simple natural healing techniques you can start right...

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Finding Peace & Navigating COVID-19

coronavirus flu immunity Mar 16, 2020

In light of new findings about the COVID-19 virus in recent days, I compiled even MORE empowering strategies to fortify your immune system and help you find peace.

That is why I’m writing this to expand on my initial 10 Immune System Boosting Tips blog post with some updates and 4 additional tips!

As someone who has dedicated their career to helping the collective find balance and healing, I can tell you that aligning with fear and worry is the worst thing you can do for your immune system.

Don’t let media hysteria shake your trust that you are Divinely guided and loved through all.

I’ve been staying up to date with experts in the medical field and I want to assure you that there ARE effective ways to protect yourself and your loved ones from this virus.

So please take a moment to remember that!

Before we get into the new prevention recommendations, here is a quick update of the latest findings released by the medical community.



6 New COVID-19...

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Coronavirus Concerns? 10 Immune System Tips

Coverage of the Coronavirus is spreading lots of fear, chaos, and misinformation…

So, I wanted to check in and make sure my Wholistic family is empowered with a solid foundation of practical guidance for navigating this situation.

I first want to share a comparison of seasonal flu next to the Coronavirus statistics. It’s helpful to remember that the media frenzy is fear-based and is largely due to the fact this virus is new.

The truth is, the seasonal flu impacts way more people, but we consider that a “normal” annual occurrence so it does not receive this much coverage.

*Source for tracking the Coronavirus: NY Times

Important points about Coronavirus: Just as with the seasonal flu, it spreads by contact with infected people and surfaces via respiratory droplets. The symptoms of Coronavirus compared to the seasonal flu are not very different, as you can see in this article. Usually only those with added risk factors such as being immunocompromised require...

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Discover Three Powerful Ways to Bring Health & Vitality Into Your Everyday Life in This FREE Masterclass by Worldwide Master Practitioner In Wholistic Healing, Elena Bensonoff.

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