Self-Love Sabotage

self love Feb 12, 2019

Have you ever struggled with self-love? Does it seem like you’re “blocking” others from loving you? Do you find it difficult to “unplug” and be truly present in the moment?

This inner conflict and disconnect with presence is an epidemic in our society. Not only does it affect us, but we see our children falling victim to the comparison trap too. We have to stop and wonder: are we feeding into chronic insecurity by filtering our reality through a screen? What happens when we log out of our devices and come face to face with our here and now?

I’m here to tell you how social media could be sabotaging your ability to love yourself unconditionally and blocking your ability to have healthy relationships. I will also teach you how to consult the “mirror of your heart” for a serious self-love reality check. Social media doesn’t have to bring you down, at the end of this post I offer 10 tips for engaging on social media from a...

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The Rise of the Divine Feminine: What Does it Mean?

divine feminine Jan 29, 2019

The Divine feminine. The Sacred feminine. The Awakening.

You may have heard these terms and felt curious about what it all means. What is the rise of the Divine feminine, really? One of the first associations that comes to mind for many is Mary Magdalene. If you don’t know much about her sacred legacy, I highly recommend reading The O Manuscript by Lars Muhl. I feel a deep spiritual connection to her on my personal journey and in the work I do.

I recently met with some of my dearest friends in Paris, where the Magdalene presence is especially powerful, and where the Divine feminine was divided long ago. There’s a major revolution happening there. Although the rise of the feminine shouldn’t be viewed as violent, the downfall of old paradigms that no longer serve us can manifest in turbulent ways. We’re seeing this shift happening in many social and governmental structures around the globe.

Although many will resist the change, the rise of the Divine...

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Language of Light

light Jan 10, 2019



How to Transmit the Light

On our planet Earth, the transmission of sunlight to the surface of the planet is vital to our survival. Our human bodies use the sunlight to produce Vitamin D. Without this nutrient, our mood can suffer, and our bones are at risk of becoming brittle and weak. Plants soak up the sunlight through photosynthesis and become the source for all the planet's food supply. Reptiles need warmth from the sun to move and function. We use light transmission from the stars to navigate. We need light to see colors. Light also influences the water cycle which regulates climate.

Everything in the Universe is influenced by light transmission. When the cosmos was created, out of the darkness came a great light, massive energy, and a shift in what had always been. There is always darkness in the universe – if you ask any scientist, they will tell you the world as we know it is mostly empty space after all. There is always emptiness.

But our ability to see...

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Fed up with chronic fatigue and other mystery symptoms?

You’re on your second double-shot espresso, fighting another yawn, struggling to focus at work, zoning out during precious time with loved ones…

Sounds familiar?

Your days fighting chronic fatigue and other unexplained mystery symptoms can finally come to an end. There IS a simple solution that doesn’t involve popping pills, making unrealistic lifestyle changes, or missing work for hours of appointments.

Allow me to elaborate...

Think of your Earthly presence as a computer. Computers need to be charged regularly and certain programs can sap the battery like crazy. Over time, computers accumulate viruses, cracks, and other malfunctions that affect performance.

Just like computers have a “cloud,” you too have an energy field all around you – full of information that affects you on all levels: body, mind, and soul. This “morphogenetic field” can be “hacked” by outside hostile sources that cause glitches and crashes in the...

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Your Spiritual Prescription for 2019

new year spirituality Dec 30, 2018

There’s an energy pulsing in our veins after the holidays, urging us to make major life improvements, to establish a brighter tomorrow. You’re used to seeing loads of “new year/new you” protocols and proposals roll out for the coming year. Each one promises to help you tackle the turning of the page.

It’s true, we want change – but resolutions are easy to come by and notoriously hard to stick with. What if, instead of looking to outside influences to change our inner experience of the world, we begin by working from the inside out instead? 

In 2019, change your life by establishing a deeper connection with your spirit.

For so many of us, this is the missing piece we long to find to feel fulfilled. To help you begin the fresh start you’ve been looking for, here’s a “spiritual prescription” you can follow. It will also help you eliminate any residual side-effects you might still be feeling from 2018. Consider this...

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Manifesting Miracles in the New Year

We all have an idea of the life we would love to see manifest. It comes to us when we’re daydreaming, feeling inspired, or simply unsatisfied with our current situation. The ideal situation looks different for each of us. Maybe it’s being surrounded by family in a cozy little house. Or a dream of traveling the world and meeting new people every day. We want to meet our soulmate, land the dream job, and finally learn to make a perfect risotto.

The dream scenarios can change throughout our lives, especially as our perspectives shift and we experience people and places that expand our beliefs about what’s possible. The New Year has a special ability to help us see that we’re capable of more than we’d thought the year before. No matter what the dreams are, they are vitally important to our purpose. These desires are our little miracles, our “why” in life.

In this post, you’ll discover you are the artist of your life, designing your dreams...

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Reflections on 2018, A Magical Year

new year Dec 21, 2018

Something that stood out to me as magical this year, is the way the spiritual path winds and intersects into all areas: family life, friendships, business, and more. It makes everything more magnificent, even the more challenging aspects of life. For instance, being a mom of four and running a business pulls me in many directions on any given day. But when the hectic hubbub is infused with spirituality, it becomes a “moving meditation” of sorts.

In this post, I’m sharing my reflections of 2018 and beyond with you – many magical lessons and exciting new developments were enjoyed! Spirituality has been part of every aspect. I’ll also reveal the one thing you should do differently in 2019 to ensure you can reap maximum benefits from the potent energy of the new year.


I Invited Spirituality into All Areas of My Life

Although there was so much on the to-do list this year, bringing awareness to the present moment rather than constantly planning my next...

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Your Holiday Gratitude Guide

gratitude health Nov 18, 2018

This holiday season, say goodbye to the blues and say hello to illuminating the path of love and light!

Think of your inner guidance as a navigation system that will notify you when you need to direct your attention to a particular area of your gratitude journey. I’ve divided up the gratitude journey for you as a roadmap of three main areas that need tender loving care during the holidays: the body, the mind, and the soul. Here are “turn-by-turn directions” to gratitude for the holidays, plus intentions and affirmations to support your path.



First Area: The Body

The body is an integral part of your journey to gratitude. There are many things we take for granted because we become disconnected from the body. Making a point to express gratitude for your health, strength, stamina, and ability to nourish yourself each morning before you start your day is a great way to begin on the right track. Embody gratitude even if you struggle with pain or illness...

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Can Your Body Heal Itself?

healing illness Oct 29, 2018

Now, more than ever, it’s important for us to go within to take charge of our health.

The statistics are bleak.

In 2018, an estimated 1,735,350 new cases of cancer will be diagnosed in the United States.

As many as 2 out of 5 Americans are expected to develop type 2 diabetes in their lifetime.

Nationwide, over 40 million people suffer from anxiety and depression is the leading cause of disability.

If you have health concerns or you’re struggling with illness, there is hope. Open your heart and believe in your ability to tap into the biggest healing force of all: the power of loving yourself.



From my heart to yours, I encourage you to see illness as an invitation.

An invitation to create a conscious shift in your life toward self-love and trust. You MUST make the shift to truly understand the miracles within.

Nurturing your body/mind/soul connection is your greatest mission in life.

Healing from within is a journey, and you may find your TRUE self along...

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Is Quantum Medicine the Future of Healthcare?

energy healing Oct 29, 2018

During my years as a clinical pharmacist, I saw many people come through my clinic with no desire to change their lifestyle – they wanted prescriptions to do all the work and thought it was enough.

Through my own personal experience healing from debilitating asthma with alternative methods, I was inspired to enter the field of Quantum Medicine.

I’ve seen so much more profound healing using this method of treatment than I ever did filling prescriptions.

In fact, an increasing number of people are turning to alternative forms of medicine to reduce stress, relieve chronic pain, and treat other ailments.

In 2012, 33.2% of U.S. adults and 11.6% of children chose alternative health approaches.



Quantum Medicine holds space for you to discover that you can heal yourself. The most powerful medicine is within YOU.

Side effects may include cultivating resiliency to stress, establishing body/mind/soul balance, and enjoying radiant inner peace!

All roads to...

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