Harnessing the Power of Vibrational Frequencies

We live in a world full of vibrational frequencies and the energy within those frequencies is powerful. By understanding vibrational frequencies, we can tap into this power to shape our individual reality, manifest what we want in life, and create a better world.

In this blog post, we'll look at why understanding vibrational frequencies is so important and how it can help us achieve our goals.



What are Vibrational Frequencies?

Vibrational frequencies are vibrations of energy that exist all around us. Everything in our universe has its own unique frequency that resonates with other things in its environment.

For example, you may have heard of Gregg Braden's work on “The Language of The Divine Matrix” which speaks to the idea that everything – including our thoughts – has their own frequency and these frequencies can be used to influence our reality.



How Do Vibrational Frequencies Work?

When we understand how vibrational frequencies...

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7 Reasons To Quit Pork

health wellness Jan 31, 2023

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 36
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to The Wholistic Living Podcast. I am your host Elena Bensonoff. It’s my honor to share with you important information that will inspire, empower, and change your life with each new choice that you make.

Today we continue the Be the Hero of Your Health series and will be taking a closer look at some of the problems with eating pork. I’ll outline the 7 reasons you should consider quitting pork, 5 alternatives to popular pork-based products, and 5 benefits you’ll enjoy when you make the switch!



The Problem With Pork

Many cultures prohibit the eating of pork for cultural or religious reasons - Jewish and Muslim cultures for example. There is more modern wisdom in these ancient dietary traditions than we might think!

Pigs are scavengers and often eat garbage and other refuse when not provided with better...

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The Heavy Metals Hiding In Your Protein Shake

health wellness Jan 25, 2023

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 34
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to the Wholistic Living Podcast. My name is Elena Bensonoff. I’m excited to have you with me today as we deep dive into important topics that will illuminate and enhance your wellness journey. I will guide you to better understand and support your health on all levels.

Today, we continue the Be the Hero of Your Health series by taking a close look at some of the problems with protein shakes. You may be shocked to find out this wellness-industry favorite contains dangerous heavy metals. We are going to explore the specific dangers of four of the heavy metals found in protein powder as well as some other protein powder pitfalls. Then we’ll cover some high-protein whole foods you can turn to instead as well as the benefits of making the switch!



Protein Shake Pitfalls

Have you ever been looking to improve your...

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6 Ways To Combat “COVID Brain”

Over the last 3 years, COVID-19 has tested our resilience in countless ways.

Many people are discovering they are suffering from “long COVID.” This is the continuation of fatigue, cough, shortness of breath, myalgia, brain fog, and a laundry list of other symptoms which may last 5 weeks or longer. Persistent brain fog is a common long COVID symptom which is referred to as “COVID brain.”

If you are struggling with COVID brain post-COVID infection, you are not alone!

In this blog, I’ll discuss COVID brain and how the health of your gut microbiome is the key to overcoming it. I’m also sharing my top 6 ways to re-diversify your gut microbiome to clear brain fog. Stay tuned for info on how to receive one-on-one gut health guidance from yours truly!



Do You Have COVID Brain?

Anyone can suffer from long COVID and COVID brain, even if you did not have any symptoms at the time of the initial infection.

A study of 250,000 people found that...

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The Dark Side Of Energy Drinks (& 5 Ways To Generate Natural Energy!)

health wellness Jan 11, 2023

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 33
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hello and welcome to the Wholistic Living Podcast. I’m Elena Bensonoff, your host and guide on your journey to lasting wellness. My mission is to inspire and educate you to make wise and informed decisions when it comes to your health and how you care for your body.

Today's installment of the Be the Hero of Your Health series is about the dark side of energy drinks. In this episode, you’ll learn why energy drinks are not the secret ingredient to powering through a packed schedule as the marketing suggests. We are going to explore the health issues that are associated with energy drink consumption and then I will share 5 ways you can kick the caffeine and generate sustainable energy, naturally!



The Problem With Energy Drinks

Back to school season can be the season of all-nighters. For many people, this means studying for exams,...

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The Real Risks Of Glyphosate

health wellness Jan 03, 2023

If you’re like me, you find peace and satisfaction in cultivating your own garden. There’s something special about watching the fruits of your labor grow. You might also be familiar with the frustration of keeping weeds and bugs from harming your plants…

That’s why so many companies, from landscaping companies to consumer packaged goods companies, turn to weed-killer products for help. You are probably spending time in public spaces that use them, eating foods that have been sprayed with them, or drinking water that is contaminated with them…

Today, I want to raise awareness about glyphosate, a popular herbicide found in weed-killing products. Glyphosate is sprayed over a massive amount of crops such as corn, soy, and wheat. These plants are genetically engineered to be unaffected by the application of glyphosate, while the wild weeds around it die away.

We’ll explore the impact glyphosate can have on the human body and the environment,...

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Beware of “Health-Washed” Smoothies (& What To Have Instead)

health wellness Dec 27, 2022

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 32
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff



Hi, I’m Elena Bensonoff. Welcome to the Wholistic Living Podcast. Today we are continuing our Be The Hero Of Your Health series. This series is meant to empower you with information so you can be the hero of your own health and feel your best!

Today we will be talking about the deceptive marketing tactic called “Health-Washing” and we will take a look at smoothies as an example. We will talk about how you can heal from the inside out by ditching sugar and I’ll share my simple 5-step process for making a healthy smoothie at home! I’m so excited to share this information with you. Let’s dive right in!



So What Is “Health-Washing?”

It’s a marketing technique used to trick consumers into thinking a product is healthier than it actually is with deceptive images and claims. This happens a lot on...

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Prepare For 2023: The Year Of Authenticity!

new year Dec 21, 2022

Is there anything quite like the sense of renewed hope at the start of a new year?

You might feel hesitant or buzzing with the energy of exciting possibilities as you step into the unknown. I feel it too!

I recently took some time to prepare for the year ahead by reflecting on the challenges and blessings of 2022. In this blog, I'm sharing some personal highlights as well as my theme for 2023. We will also take a look at how that theme compliments the astrology and numerology for the year.

Don’t miss the 5 journaling prompts I’ve shared to help you explore your inner world and enjoy authentic success in the new year!



What I’m Grateful For In 2022

This year really challenged me and my family, but even amidst the most difficult times - there was so much to be grateful for.

My son Sasha was hospitalized with pancolitis and endured a long road to recovery. Our experience with the healthcare system was a nightmare (you can read about that in this blog...

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The Truth About Meal “Replacement” Bars (& The REAL Solution To Hustle-Culture Hunger)

diet health wellness Dec 05, 2022

Welcome to the WHOLISTIC LIVING PODCAST: Episode 31
Aligning Body, Mind, and Soul with Elena Bensonoff


Hello and welcome to the Wholistic Living podcast! I’m your host Elena Bensonoff. On today’s episode of the Be the Hero of Your Health series, we will be chatting about the convenience craze of meal replacement bars. I will be sharing why it’s not a good idea to replace" a healthy meal with a bar! We’ll take a look at two of the most popular “clean” bars that seem to promise they are a good choice and learn the truth about this on-the-go option.

Finally, I’ll share a healthy solution you can start today and 5 benefits of prioritizing healthy meals because your body is important. Fueling your body with healthy foods should be worth penciling into your day. By the end of this podcast, you’ll want to take a good hard look at your commitments and reduce the number of obligations in your schedule so you actually have...

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Is Geoengineering Harming Humanity?

geoengineering Dec 02, 2022

“If humans are creating this upheaval then humans could also turn this thing around.” - Bruce Lipton

If you run an online search for “geoengineering,” you’ll see upbeat articles about “carbon dioxide removal” and “sunlight reflection.” This field is advertised as an emerging technology meant to safely counteract climate change. (1)

After doing a deep dive into the science behind it, my personal opinion is that this unregulated practice poses an existential threat to the planet and all of life on Earth…

In this blog, I’m going to share everything you need to know about the dark side of geoengineering including:

  • What geoengineering is, specifically focusing on contrails (aka “chemtrails”)
  • The potential threats geoengineering poses for our environment
  • The potential dangers geoengineering poses for our health
  • The vibrational frequency of geoengineering

If this is the first time you are learning about...

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